Saturday, August 31, 2019
Benefits of intership
The benefit of Inter-agency partnerships Is working refers to when two or more agencies that deal the same Issues for example health Issues where Hospital can work with the GAP. Some agencies could have some information about a person that another doesn't or when a person is at an age where they can be cared for better by one agency, this relationship allows them to be transferred.Be treated by different services can benefit the service users because the service users can be sure that he as been checked by two deferent person and can be treated quickly. This could be a benefit for the service providers as well because the second partnership can get all information about the person without asking the person, they can get all Information about the person from the first partnership. Inter-agency partnerships for Elizabeth This report is based on Inter-agency working together to provide Elizabeth support to deal with her Alchemist's disease.The reason why Inter-agency are working is to h elp Elizabeth and help her family with Alchemist's and to provide support for both of hem. Agencies working together Health Visitor Health visitor for older people is to promote the health and independence of older people living at home with difficulties. Elizabeth would need the support off Health visitor because of her family that doesn't understand her and that they are no longer interested In her well-being. The main role of health visitor Is to provide a supportive health assessment and referral service for old people like Elizabeth.They also work with GAP and health care services. The Health Visiting Service for Older People aims o: Support old people health and well being Help prevent ill health and its consequences Support patients living with long term conditions to facilitate Independence Provide up-to-date Information about help and services available so that patients, their families and careers can make Informed decisions Access health needs and refer to additional servi ces if required Provide careers with advice about the support that is available to them General practice (G.P) G. P are here to work for primary care and are part of a clinical commissioning group which have responsibilities for helping with healthcare from secondary healthcare providers, such as hospital and community and also Alchemist's society. Elizabeth would need the support of a General practice working with the Health visitor. Alchemist's society This is an organization that will work and support people with diseases such Dementia. They are all volunteers who are helping old people with Alchemist's.Elizabeth would need their support and help for her disease. This society will also work with the both General practice and Health visitor to malting Elizabeth health Elizabeth with every aspect and understanding diagnosis and assessment to dealing with the financial challenges that she might be encounter as she no longer lives with her family. Benefits The benefits of inter-agenc y partnerships working together for Elizabeth are that Alchemist's society, the G. P and the health visitor are all working for her.This will benefits her and the all three social and care system because they can get information about Elizabeth without her help. This will also benefit Elizabeth because she can get all the support by three different agencies and get treated quickly. Elizabeth will get all the support and help from different health service this will benefit her. Factor that preventing The main factors that prevent inter-agency collaboration relate to Elizabeth Alchemist's might be communication within and between agencies, professional values and power relationships.Partner agencies in collaborative situations need to be treated as equals. Communication can be one of the factors that could prevent agencies working together, lack of communication, example if the health visitor doesn't give information and doesn't communicate with the two other agencies that loud cause issues for Elizabeth, issues like the agencies can't get enough information and Elizabeth can't get in a good condition situation because agencies will delay the treatment because of one agency.Agencies might have difficulties in sharing information; particularly confidential information as well as cultural and professional differences between agencies can prevent them working together. Other factors that can prevent agencies working together are that if one agency gives only limited information about Elizabeth that can prevent agencies working together as hey won't get enough information about Elizabeth. Another reason which can prevent agencies from working together might be the funding which can cause problems, like lack of money and couldn't help Elizabeth with her needs.If one of the agencies can't co-operate with other agencies because of any reason and this can prevent them working together example if the General practice doesn't feel well and can't come work with the other a gencies. How to overcome and consider them Communication needs to be developed at all levels of operation both within each agency working with Elizabeth. Agencies need to find ways to improve face to face and written communication.Procedures and practices should be integrated between agencies and Elizabeth. Discuss about the health improvement of Elizabeth. Be equal and don't give preferences to one agency than the other. Conclusion Elizabeth had the help of the 3 agencies that worked together to support and help her with Alchemist's. She had all the benefits of the agencies with her and agencies had benefits between because they have worked together for Elizabeth. They have overcome of what had prevented them working together.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Improving school quality
The importance of secondary school education in molding learners into responsible citizens of tomorrow cannot be ignored or undermined. Secondary school education is the stepping stone for unlimited opportunities for learners to explore the career choices that they have to pursue further In their lives. Every year the performance of secondary schools In the final examination come under spotlight as soon as the results are published. Many schools in the previously disadvantaged communities perform poorly in the matrix examination each year.The main aim of this paper is suggest what needs to be done in order to ensure that pupils perform well in their final examinations given the knowledge of what teaching and learning means. As a starting point, the paper will define the process of learning and teaching. The factors that affect performance of pupils in relation to teachers will then be given. An outline of the suggestions that would result in improved performance will then lead to the end of the discussion.Quality refers to the standard when compared to other things of the same type. It shows the goodness or the worth. Quality is associated with efficiency, effectiveness, choice, excellence, equity and social Justice among other virtues that are designated as the alms of any system purporting to produce effective learning In good schools (Coleman, 1998). Academic performance refers to the level of attainment of learners In the external grade 12 examination.It refers to the performance of the school as well as the learners in the grade 12 examinations. It reflects both quality and quantity of the results obtained by the learners in the grade 12 examinations (Bastion, 1995). The management of a school has a very important ole to play in the transformation and development of a school (Thomas, 1992). It is the responsibility of the senior management of the school, the principal, to prepare the atmosphere for effective teaching and learning at the school.Within forma l models leadership is ascribed to the person at the apex of the hierarchy. It Is assumed that this individual sets the tone of the organization and establishes the major official objectives. In a school the person who Is holding the highest position Is the principal and has to play an effective role as a leader In the school. At the heart f school or any organizational life are leadership and management. It Is these aspects of school life that ensure that all other aspects are held together and developed.Leadership is the art of facilitating a school to do the right thing at the right time, while management is the discipline required to ensure that the school ‘does things right', or functions well (Thomas, 1992). The development of the school depends entirely on the ability of the leadership of the school. To transform and develop schools into efficient centers of excellence, visionary, hardworking and farsighted leaders are required. Effective organizations tend to be purpos eful and goal directed. The managers, departments, and the individual members work towards explicit goals and have a clear sense of direction.Schools without explicit aims and a Whole-School policy would not meet this criterion of effectiveness. The ability of schools to transform themselves to grow In strength or to have a strong sense of purpose and commitment Is to a great extent dependent on the quality of leadership in the school (Walsh, 1999). The principal provides the leadership to the principal becomes the lightning rod for every change and programmer that is implemented at the school and assumes a much more important role in the scheme of things.More than Just following policy, the position requires that the person be a planner, a leader, and a conciliator in order to be successful (Bastion, 1995). The leadership of the principal takes the anchor role in transforming and developing the school into a successful institution. The task of being the educational leader of the sc hool is one that calls for the best in the area of personal skills and requires the highest order of human and academic skills (Coleman, 1998).The leadership of the school is responsible for facilitating instructional activities and coordinating curriculum across the individual programmer and school levels for ensuring congruence through defining the school mission and goals, managing the instructional programmer s and promoting a positive school learning climate (Morrison, 1998). The core business of a school as an organization is the effective curriculum delivery. Teaching and learning are necessary if young people are to acquire personally enriching, economically necessary and socially desirable knowledge and skills.A school must have a positive environment to facilitate the effective curriculum delivery and the development of skills and values in learners. Without a proper learning environment, effective curriculum delivery cannot take place. The resources that are available at a school can positively influence the quality of the education provided. Our ability to develop the curriculum in the way that we wish to achieve our objectives as a school will, of course, depend on the resources that are available to us.However, it is extremely important that we ensure that the tail does not wag the dog, that the content of the education that we offer is to determined by the resources most easily available to us, as opposed to by the needs of our learners. Resources are everything at the school's actual or potential disposal to enable it to reach its objectives. Resources like human resource, physical resource and financial resource are the most important items required for the provision of quality education. Access to and control of resources are of central concern to any organization.In the school context these resources include finances, administrative equipment and materials, teaching equipment and materials and the school facilities themselves (Morrison, 1998 ). Teachers are invariably regarded as the prime resource in schools because of their central role in the teaching and learning process. The quality of the results produced will depend on the motivation and commitment of the educators who are working in a school. The quality of their work, and their motivation to perform well are related directly to the nature of the human resource management process.Where staff management is skilled and sympathetic, a successful organization is likely to result (Branded & Ginning, 1990). In a successful institution, the educators will be prepared to work beyond the normal required hours ND will be using this extra time for preparation and marking of the learners books. A school, which has no skilled, committed, innovative and resourceful staff, cannot provide quality education to the learners and may not produce quality results in the external examination.Therefore one of the prerequisites for any school to become efficient and to produce quality r esults is to have an efficient, dynamic, skilled, committed and knowledgeable human resource. Teacher is the main change agent necessary for bringing change in teaching and learning so, the school policy should eve provision for professional development program for teachers. Bonging (2001 : 53) also indicates the importance of teachers' concerns and say, â€Å"Change can be more successful if the concerns of teachers are considered†. Collaborative teaching and learning environment is a source of school effectiveness. So, the school management should encourage collaboration in school. The participation of the parents in the management of the education of the learners can positively influence the learning process of the learners. The principal has to utilize this influence and the nutrition of the parents effectively to improve the quality of results that are produced in the previously disadvantaged schools (Solidity & Bull, 1996).The role of parents to influence and persuade t heir children to be mentally prepared, to obtain quality education cannot be ignored or undermined. They are the role players who could lay a strong foundation and passion for quality education in the minds of their children, which will in turn assist the educators largely in providing quality education to their learners.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A Brand Plan report for Cadbury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
A Brand Plan report for Cadbury - Essay Example In the year 1969, Cadbury merged with Schweppes and it was named as Cadbury Schweppes PLC. In February 2010, Kraft Foods took over the company and Cadbury PLC is now its subsidiary which is an international organization; it is commonly referred to as Cadbury in the market (Kraft Foods, 2011). Currently, it has its presence in more than sixty countries and has a workforce of more than fifty thousand people (Wallace, 2010). Strategically, the company has been positioned in the market as the leading supplier of chocolate and sugar confectionary worldwide. Since 1905, ‘Dairy Milk’ is the most successful product of the company that has given it a top ranking in the confectionary industry (Burns, 2008). In terms of revenue, Dairy Milk has grown to become a famous and highly accredited moulded chocolate bar in UK and worldwide. The basis foundation of the strategic success of Cadbury comprises of its three strong core pillars i.e. premium quality, value for money and sound advertising (Infor, 2010). The mission statement of Cadbury is â€Å"to be the best and biggest confectionary company across the globe while delivering a superior shareholder return through an efficient process that fosters growth of the company and ensures complete capitalization of the company’s core capabilities.†(Shelley, 2009) ... In terms of revenue, Dairy Milk has grown to become a famous and highly accredited moulded chocolate bar in UK and worldwide. The basis foundation of the strategic success of Cadbury comprises of its three strong core pillars i.e. premium quality, value for money and sound advertising (Infor, 2010). 2.0 Mission Statement of Cadbury The mission statement of Cadbury is â€Å"to be the best and biggest confectionary company across the globe while delivering a superior shareholder return through an efficient process that fosters growth of the company and ensures complete capitalization of the company’s core capabilities.†(Shelley, 2009) 3.0 Situation Review 3.1 PEST Analysis Since the business environment is changing at a fast pace, it has become vital for every organisation to ensure that it monitors the happenings that are taking place in its surrounding so that it can manage its operations effectively and alter the business plans and strategies accordingly (Kepferer, 20 05; Kotler & Keller, 2005). The PEST analysis of confectionary industry of UK is discussed below: 1. Political – There are various policies and legal requirements that Cadbury will have to comply with to ensure that it conducts its business operations within legal and ethical business operation boundaries such as Weight and Measures Act, Minimum Wages Act, Equal Employment Opportunity Act, Trade Description Act and many more. 2. Economic – An increase in per capita income means that the people will have more money to spend, even better penetration opportunities in developing countries that can increase the revenue amount and increase in demand is expected as there is an increase in the urban population. 3.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
American History and Society Through Music Research Paper
American History and Society Through Music - Research Paper Example The District judge and the Court of Appeal seemed to think that the school was in its right. The Supreme Court did not agree and reversed the decision with Mr. Justice Fortas giving the opinion of the court and Justice White and Stewart concurring. The majority based their opinions on the idea that the students could not be expected to leave what rights they had at the doors of the school and were not in any manner causing a disturbance. Those in dissent argued that the constitution did not protect students from any disruptive form of symbolic speech and Justice Black stated â€Å"And I repeat that if the time has come when pupils of state-supported schools, kindergartens, grammar schools, or high schools, can defy and flout orders of school officials to keep their minds on their own schoolwork, it is the beginning of a new revolutionary era of permissiveness in this country fostered by the judiciary.†(Tinker v. Des MoinesIndependent Community School District). Though Tinker has been used in various cases after it, courts are now beginning to take a view aside from that which was presented in this case.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
John Mclaughlin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
John Mclaughlin - Essay Example f 8 years old, McLaughlin became inspired of learning to play musical instruments when one of his brothers listened to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony from a radio station (Stump, p. 12). A year later, McLaughlin had the privilege to learn how to play the violin and piano (Christian Pegand). After three years of playing the violin and piano, he started to dream of becoming a good guitarist. His dream of playing the guitar started on the day when his brothers started to play blues of Bill Broonzy (Christian Pegand; Stump, p. 12). This made McLaughlin became more exposed to the music of Leadbelly, Muddy Waters, and Sonny Terry among others (Stump, p. 12). aware of the music industry (Stump, p. 12). Inspired with religious and cultural music in India and other Western classical music, McLaughlin became a famous jazz and classical guitarist that plays a wide-range of music styles and genres (Cal Performances). Because of McLaughlin’s passion to make other people happy by listening to his music, he exerted a lot of effort in terms of improving his knowledge and skills in playing musical instruments (Stump, p. 10). Later on, he became proficient in playing the violin and guitar (Stump, p. 13). During the late 50s, McLaughlin played some musical instruments together with Peter Deuchar – the banjoist and his professors of Ragtime (Christian Pegand; Stump, p. 13). Before McLaughlin reached the age of 15 years old, he was very actively leading a band in school (Stump, p. 13). All this happened before he decided to go to London where he pursued his dream of being able to play in a rock and blues band. His decision to leave the school band was very much influenced by Miles Davis’ album â€Å"Milestones†which was released in the market back in 1957 (Stump, p. 13). McLaughin’s exposure on blues music started when he reached London during the early part of 1960s (Stump, p. 15). Since then, McLaughlin took every chance he gets to have a jamming or recording sessions with
Monday, August 26, 2019
Incorporate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Incorporate - Essay Example This price that the option is offered is referred to as a â€Å"grant†price. This â€Å"grant†price is usually the market value of the shares at the time the employees are granted that opportunity to receive the stock option. Those employees that have received the grant hope that the market value of the shares will later increase and thus benefit from the grant. This program is perceived as a flexible way of sharing the company’s ownership with employees. This thus calls for high performance of employees as they feel attached to the company they are working for. It also attracts and retains a motivated workforce. However the option is not a strategy that would work for a company that its future is not certain as members and staff off the company would take that opportunity to sell their shares to avoid total loss of their investment. This can be valued by using the information of the company’s annual report. Using HP as our case study we begin by valuing the employee stock options using the black-Scholes option pricing method. To calculate the black-Scholes value, we combine the information with our estimates of the following
Sunday, August 25, 2019
What is the one finance related experience or extracurricular activity Essay
What is the one finance related experience or extracurricular activity that is most important to you and why - Essay Example In addition, it provides useful information to investors willing to inject funds into the market through stocks. The comparison also allows one to understand how healthy competition should be maintained to prevent both consumer and business exploitation. One of the most common events that take place in the finance industry is the buying and selling of stock. The companies trade shares and stock in order to improve their financial status and portfolio. The purchase and sale of stock is one of the supplementary activities in finance. I also researched data on each company individually by looking at their financial statements to analyze net profit, loss and ability to break-even. The process is useful in analyzing internal profits, especially how the company got to that level. The University Finance Association has not only been beneficial, but also eye opening. It has enhanced my critical and analytical skills by allowing me to compare companies. As a result, I can make suitable investment
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Health and safety management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Health and safety management - Essay Example Nonetheless, this essay focuses on the safety culture in healthcare organizations. According to Power (2011), having a culture that promotes and supports safety has been identified as core to improving safety in the healthcare sector, as well as other organizations. For this reason, healthcare organizations today are adopting concepts of safety culture from other high-reliability industries such as nuclear energy and aviation. This includes the implementation of teamwork and communication models in healthcare organizations. In addition, this involves the creation of work environments that promote the safety of patients. In doing this, healthcare organizations have the goal of becoming high-reliability organizations (ECRI Institute 2009). In the context of the healthcare organization, safety culture encompasses different aspects, including â€Å"belief that harm is untenable, ability to speak up and raise concerns, obligation to listen when others have a concern, recognition of perso nal and organizational hazards, and obligation to work as a team†(ECRI Institute 2009, p. 2). Safety culture in a healthcare organization also involves commitment to safety by the highest levels of the organization (Occupational Safety & Health Administration n.d). Additionally, in order to promote organizational commitment to safety, the leaders offer incentives and rewards (Goodman 2004). This also involves adequate communication among all workers across different organizational levels. Above all, there is openness about errors and reporting of problems in the organization, and organizational learning and effective response to problems and errors is maintained (Leonard & Frankel 2006). Furthermore, Eeckelaert et al. (2011) note that a healthcare organization that strongly upholds a safety culture frequently assesses its safety culture through different assessment methods, including use of interviews and questionnaires on the staff and management. Oh (2012) notes that, most healthcare organizations in the United States today highly focus on patient safety and quality improvement. Patient safety culture is therefore, considered part of the safety culture in healthcare organizations. This is because healthcare organizations provide services to patients, thus patients are their main clients. Oh (2012) notes that patient safety culture begins at the top, which is the highest level of the healthcare organization. Goodman (2004) notes that the executive leadership in healthcare organizations must promote a culture of safety and be committed to it, in order for this to be emulated by the other people in the organization, since patient safety culture involves everyone at different levels of a healthcare organization. Nonetheless, according to ECRI Institute (2009), in order for such initiatives of patient safety and quality improvement to be successful, it is necessary for the healthcare organization to embrace an overall culture of safety. Black (2002) argues that a safety culture is of benefit to healthcare organizations. This mainly involves looking after the health and wellbeing of patients and staff. Without a safety culture in any healthcare organization, there are different detrimental consequences that will be experienced. A safety culture in healthcare organization promotes the health and wellbeing of the staff. Staff are core to any organization, therefore, imperative for the organizational performance (Hall
Friday, August 23, 2019
Cakes Health Effects on Humans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cakes Health Effects on Humans - Essay Example Sugar is a substance easy to abuse but when one is aware of the health effects, the decision requires a re-thinking. Seslar (p.67) discovered that sugar presents a very tempting likelihood of abuse and it often leads to addiction. Sadly, as the abuse keeps taking place so does health deterioration. Consequently, in the end, the person has too much sugar in the body hence leading to some health concerns. Apart from rendering one’s teeth less useful, cakes tend to have other preservatives that have been found to be a health risk to many. Howard and Wylie-Rosett (p.24) noted that due to lack of monitoring, many cakes are made with little regard for health thus posing a real health risk. Unfortunately, not many people take time to investigate some of the purported ingredients. Even though many cakes are portrayed as ones reach with all the necessities the body requires, the opposite is the truth in many cases. Sugar is a necessity to the body but moderation has to be practiced or else memory capability will decline significantly. It was noted that too much consumption of foods with excessive sugar could lead to decreased memory (Avena, Pedro and Bartley p.24). Normally, this occurs because many, if not all, of the cakes consumed, are cooked containing significant amounts of sugar. Worse still, the consumers of these cakes take them in large quantities thus increasing the amount in the body. Whereas this paper is not necessarily demonizing cakes, it is the manufacturers’ tendency to focus on money that makes the situation worse. On the other hand, the consumers escalate the situation by consuming without control. Even though health concerns have been raised about the cakes, it is imperative to state that wheat, an ingredient of cakes, plays an essential role in humans’ health.
Analysis of Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analysis of Death Penalty - Research Paper Example Several militaries impose the death penalty for disciplinary offenses such as desertion, mutiny, and cowardice. According to Amnesty International, 58 countries have retained the death penalty as a method of punishing serious crime in society. Countries like China, North Korea, and Yemen have the highest number of executions. Statistics point out that at least people were convicted for death in those countries in 2012. Accordingly, 21 countries including Syria and Egypt carried out executions in 2012. The Middle East region witnessed more than 500 executions. Bahrain sentenced eight people to death between 2007 and 2012 and executed two death row convicts during the same period. Some methods of executing the death penalty include shooting at close range, electrocution, hanging, beheading, and lethal injection. Thesis statement: the death penalty should be abolished since it violates human rights and fails in deterring crime in the society. Opponents of the death penalty call for its abolishment by arguing that it contravenes the international human rights (Gottfried 10). Several countries have ratified the International Human rights charter that safeguards the inherent right to life and freedom from any inhumane or degrading treatment. Accordingly, the death penalty takes away the right to life thus entrenching cruel and unusual punishments such as lethal injection and execution. The opponents argue that this is barbaric practices associated with slavery and have no place in a modern and civilized society (Gottfried 22). The opponents argue that it is immoral and unethical since it degrades the inherent dignity of human life. Accordingly, some religious teachings such as Christianity forbid the use of the death penalty as a means of punishing crime. Although Islamic teaching allows for death punishment in cases of murder, the family of the victim can instead ask for financial compensation and pardon the murderer from the death sentence. The punishment leads to severe pain and contravenes the civilized treatment of human beings that should be accorded to every citizen (Gottfried 34). The punishment also leads to suffering to the immediate family members and relatives of the executed criminals. However, proponents argue that it will lead to the greatest happiness in the society since most of the citizens are law-abiding and execution of few individuals will lead to law and order in the society (Gottfried 39). The opponents argue that the arbitrary application of the death penalty is possible and sometimes it leads to the execution of innocent individuals. Abolitionists of this sentence argue that it is irrevocable. Accordingly, there are instances where convicted individuals have been freed after a successful appeal from death row thus suggesting that judges sometimes error in their sentencing (Gottfried 44). In addition, the imposition of this sentence denies the executed criminal the opportunity to benefit from new laws or new evidence th at can warrant the reversal of death sentence or freedom of the individual (Gottfried 91). Abolitionists have pointed out that this punishment is applied discriminatively thus violating the principle of equal protection. Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
African-Americans on a fighti for equality and freedom Essay Example for Free
African-Americans on a fighti for equality and freedom Essay African-Americans were taken from Africa as slaves, and have been fighting for equality and freedom ever since that day. The slaves were mistreated as nothing, they had no self-esteem, beaten, disparage, and were separated from their family. African-Americans still fight every day for different types of recognitions and fairness, even though many things changed over the centuries. The African-Americans played major roles during the Civil Rights Movement. African-Americans have struggle hard to end separation, prejudice, and seclude to be treat in a fair way and civil rights. Racial Separation, also known as Racial Segregation was a system taken from the results of white Americans to keep African Americans subservient status by controvert then equal admittance to public facilities and ensuring that black people lived separate from white people. Slaves lived far away from the wealth people houses on the plantation, only those who are special people lived in those houses. Northern whites had precluded blacks from seats on public transportation and blocked their entry exclude servants, from most hotels and restaurants, by the time the Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott versus. Sandford in 1857. According to the article in 1896, \The most common instance of this is connected with the establishment of separate schools for white and colored children, which has been held to be a valid exercise of the legislative power even by courts of States where the political rights of the colored race have been longest and most earnestly enforce.\(Plessy v. Ferguson 1). In another word, segregation it is not only in schools, but it is in churches, auditorium, and theaters. For example, Rosa Parks was famous for her courage to stand for her rights, and to set wherever she wanted on the bus; however, she was not the first or only one to make this chose. In addition, when Rosa Parks was approached by the bus driver to sit somewhere else, there were other African-American people sitting to her. Therefore, Rosa Parks was noticed by Dr. Martin Luther King for spoke up first history gives her credit. People were brave enough to fight for their equal rights. The bus Boycott that introduced the civil rights movement that convert apartheid of America\s southern states from a local individuality to international scandal, which started when Parks arrested stunned a chain reaction. Rosa Parks individual courage that led to the collective displayed of insubordination that transformed a previously unknown 26-year-old clergyman, Martin Luther King, into a household name. The name of Dr. MLK was recorded in history as the most well-known extremist through the years. MLK was also known as a non-violent extremist, and for modifying the philosophy from Gandhi, which was reverence not only by black race but also by all other races. What became African-American\s live by for centuries to come was the speech of MLK, \ I Have a Dream.\ Furthermore, there was the \We Shall Overcome\ speech by King in 1963. The Civil Rights Movement was defining moment at the capital by MLK. Until the day MLK was killed, he fought for the Civil Rights Movement. MLK petition to all not to discriminate. African-American men and women
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Sports nutrition in swimming
Sports nutrition in swimming BMS-3033             SPORT NUTRITION URN6041693 Choose a sport of your choice. Critically discuss the nutritional requirements of this sport. Give examples where appropriate to illustrate your answer Swimming is a very competitive sport worldwide with different events like 50 to 1500 meters with time duration of 22s to 16 minutes respectively. Moreover, with four different strokes freestyle, butterfly, breaststroke and backstroke. With typical training programs with the aim to increase lean body mass, and decrease body fat levels over the season Petersen et al. (2006). Sport nutrition plays a very important role especially for elite athletes. The goal of this essay is to discus more specifically the dietary needs for athletes that compete in the 50 and 100 meters distance events. In the 50 and 100 meters events in particular event swimmers relies on the production of large power outputs with highly coordinated and efficient technique in a short range of time. This power output rely on the anaerobic glycolysis and high energy phosphates. Therefore, the main type of muscle fibre developed in athletes in training for 50 and 100 meters event is Type2 a and 2 b of muscle due to the speed of contraction, short length of time, anaerobic capacity using high energy phosphates (ATP and creatine phosphate) and glycogen as fuel, however due to the nature of the high intensity aerobic activity with training sessions from 1.5 up to 4 hours a day there is no question that type 1 fibres muscle is developed. Training Overall training programs for elite swimmers are based on experience of successful coaches rather than scientific evidence of superior performance outcomes. There seems to have difference in opinions among coaches regarding to training sessions. Some opt for training only in the pool and others use less sessions in the pool (more specific training) but add cycling and running sessions to improve aerobic capacity. Generally the pool workouts consist of aerobic warm-up and cool downs, training aims to improve techniques in starts and turns, and sets of repeated bouts of swimming at different intensities depending on the goal wanted, in this case sprint. Moreover, generally 40% of the training intensity less than 80% of VO2max, from 40% to 60% at intensities of 80% vo2max, and less than 5% at >100% Vo2max.             Sherman and maglischo (1992) have estimated the energy requirement of swimming training at approximately 16.8 to 22.6 for males working 4 hours a day and between 14.2 to 16.8 MJ .day-1( for females working 4hours a day, although these factors will vary within each athlete physical condition and technique performance. Nutritional Chalenges The nutritional issues and challenges for swimmers are to prepare a nutrition strategy to provide fuel to cope with large energy demand, promote recovery for each session, achieve optimal levels of lean body mass and body fat as well as keep the vitamins and minerals within normal levels during the different phases of training in the season (E.g. high volume training, taper or off-season). However, swimmers struggle to cope with large energy needs not only for training but for competition some common issues are presented below: Training High energy requirements due to fluctuations in growth patterns (growth spurt in adolescents), changes in training volume or simply active gain of muscle mass. Irregular eating patterns due to a busy time table. Social and cultural issues. Poor nutritional knowledge. Adjusting energy intake Competition Adjusting energy intake during taper to prevent excessive gain of weight and body fat. Adequate fuel stores for the day of competition. Postrace recovery between different competitions or between heats, semifinals, and finals. Training program vs. competition nutritional requirement Therefore the nutritional requirement in order of priority for pre-training, training and post training (same for competition) are: rehydration, refuelling and recovery. Pre-training Training Post training Consideration in use of supplements.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Body Shop
The Body Shop The Body Shop (TBS) has developed 2500 stores in 60 countries with a range of over 1,200 products in approximately 30 years, and is the second largest cosmetic franchise in the world. After the first TBSs outlet founded in 1976, the company has experienced rapid growth and with expanding rate of 50% annually. When its stock first obtained a full listing on the London Stock Exchange, its price increased by more than 500%. In 1999, TBS was even voted as the second most trusted brand in UK by the Consumers Association. The founder, Anita Roddick had received numerous awards including Dame Commander of the British Empire for her contributions. (Roddick, Anita Lucia Overview, Personal Life, Career Details, Chronology: Anita Lucia Roddick, Social and Economic Impact). TBSs success is hard to observe from the extrinsic value but the ethical value which make the success of TBS so legendary and inspiring. Anita Roddick, founder of TBS first entered the industry by using  £4,000 to open a small stand-alone shop of natural ingredient cosmetics and skincare products. Through her early travel experience, she had seen the potential of those natural ingredients being produced as cosmetic and skincare products commercially. Due to the budget constraint, Roddick used the urine sample containers purchased from local hospital as the containers of her products. The shops walls are painted with dark green to cover the damp. To save cost on advertisement, Roddick spread aroma in front of her shop to gain attention of the patrons. The strategy pursued was a huge success and another shop was able to be opened before the first year ended. In its second year, the company started to franchise the operation and by 1984 TBS already had 138 stores while 87 of them were located outside UK. The development of the company continued to soar when it went public in 1984. At the same time, Roddick started her efforts to encourage and contribute to social and environmental problems such as campaign of issues against animal testing in cosmetic and recycling. In 1987, TBSs Trade Not Aid program started. It was aimed to help sustaining third countries people livelihood. (Roddick, Anita Lucia Overview, Personal Life, Career Details, Chronology: Anita Lucia Roddick, Social and Economic Impact) Besides, TBSs charitable activities included aiding communities close to home and various donations. Roddick was strongly persistent with her own singular vision, that business could be a force for good, and that profits could be made without compromising principles which corresponding with TBSs mission statement, To dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental change. In 1990, TBS Foundation was launched to give financial support to pioneering and frontline organizations that aim to achieve progress in the areas of human and civil rights, environmental and animal protection. (TBS values campaigns) The website of TBS was launched in 1995 to keep pace with IT revolution. In 2002, Roddick stepped down as the co-chairperson of TBS In ternational PLC but remained back as non-executive director. In 2006, TBS was purchased by Loreal which is not against animal testing. This move has raised a huge controversy around the supporters of TBS, however the company clarified that it is operated independently within the Loreal Group. Until now, TBS is still the icon of ethics business for many people. These are three well-known policies that TBS taken as their core values of products: Against animal testing TBS is approved by the internationally recognized Humane Cosmetic Standard which is against conducting or commission cruel tests on animal for cosmetic ingredients and products. In 1980, animal tests were popular among cosmetics brand. Later, these numbers dropped gradually and companies bowed to public opinion and in 1999 there were none in Britain. While TBS is among one of the leading forces to object these not humane experiments, they always emphasized that they have never and will never test their cosmetic products or commission others to do it. Support community trade Most multinational corporate are just searching for cheap labour force in undeveloped countries while TBS has pioneered a program called community trade, not only about charity trade, but to achieve economic development and empowerment which provides opportunities for disadvantaged producers, especially women and indigenous people. The value chain to the advantage of producers is reconfigured, often via reducing multiple mark-up inefficiencies and cutting out exploitative middleman. TBS realized that without development of the community, any development in the community will be ineffective. (Allen R. ) As a result, the company introduces fair trade by buying the ingredients and resources they demand in the production of their products from those people with higher than market price. One of the examples is the purchase of cocoa beans from Kuapa Kokoo Company in Ghana, which is a fair trade cooperative with over 30,000 small-scale farmers. Protect our planet The 3R concept which represents reuse, recycle, refill has been utilized well in TBS. The company encourages the consumers to return the containers of their products after use to their outlets. From early 2008 onwards, 100% recycled plastic bottles and paper bags were introduced. TBS organized campaigns to raise conscious of people about the responsibility being a citizen of earth to protect the environment. Discussions Innovation and entrepreneurship are linked by a common concern for the creation of new phenomena, whether new organizations operating in increasingly competitive markets, innovation is often a condition of simple survival. For public sector organizations, ceaseless cost pressures and increasing public demands are compelling constant innovation and even new kinds of entrepreneurship. Before the company is established, European have just started to talk about green and nobodies have linked this concept with business while Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is still a new term to the industry. As firms are always pursuit profit maximizing target, bringing ethical values in may create a dilemma between these two objectives. However, having the reputation as the most fearless and passionate female entrepreneur in the history of cosmetic world, Anita Roddick refused to separate her strong personal sense of social responsibility from the company values. TBS has taken so much risk to brin g new concepts into the production and the marketing strategy. This strong commitment has given the company strength to gather loyal consumers who share common values. Eventually, TBS has proven the validity of CSR by showing a tremendous success. TBS saves a huge amount of money by not advertising but to put more efforts in social activities than other mainstream cosmetic brands, which gives it a same effect of publicity. It is an alternative way to generate mass publicity for the company without throwing big money to capture rosy commercial advertisement. A very good example of this is TBSs first major campaign in 1986 which is alliance with Greenpeace in UK, Save the Whale. This campaign has helped to promote the new product line of TBS which is using jojoba oil as the ingredient to substitute the whale spermaceti. In the cosmetics market that time, the business models are already standardized. TBS has focused on the business level strategy to obtain and sustain differentiation and advantage on competitors in the same industries. Not like other cosmetic brands which highly advertised the artificially created beauty and expensive ingredients, the products it offered provided no miracle effects other than cleaning and protecting. The usual finely designed bottles were also replaced with simple containers which are made from recyclable materials. The company also set up its own store while most of the cosmetics brands were locating them inside the shopping centre. TBS has highly concentrated on developing a drastically different image which is more focused on the ethical value and natural quality in it. The company has succeeded in challenging the accepted value curve of luxury cosmetics and beauty products to create one based on more ethical values. The social activism approach that taken by TBS has created a whole new group of consumer which is ethical living oriented. This is a very smart step taken by TBS, not only building customer loyalty based on distinctive ethical values, the company itself also benefits from gaining a high reputation and fame for environment friendly and contribution to the public. This unique positioning of TBS also made itself more invulnerable from price cutting wars. The company has presented such a distinct motive compared to other profit oriented corporations. Consumers choose products of TBS based on the conscience that generate naturally by their own judgments. Conclusion TBS has shown an exceptional entrepreneurship and achieved high recognition by creating a different corporate culture in its industry. Entrepreneur defines a person who is willing and capable of converting a new idea into a successful new product or service, while taking risks all along the way to get there. (Entrepreneurial Thinking: The Story Of Anita Roddick From TBS, 2009) It is a truly risky move as the company has to overcome the high uncertainty to implement such novel thing to the world, which later also created a whole new market that never existed before. When the company is founded, there is still no precedent of bundling ethical values together with cosmetic and skincare business, TBS is the first company to emerge this idea and adapt it into reality. TBS has the advantage to develop the market for natural ingredients made cosmetic and skincare products. The key branding has been so successful as the term green business and ethical shopping has already became its brand id entity. On a range of surveys, ethically sensitive consumers are no longer a small, if vocal, pressure group: rather, a third of the public now see themselves as strongly ethical.The eccentric and ethical style of the company could generate fierce loyalty. (Gerry Johnson, 2008) As these concepts like fair trade and green business is now in the mainstream in many countries with increasing levels of public awareness and multinational company involvement, TBS is able to retain the enthusiasm and commitment from their workers and generating stable growth. References Allen, R. (n.d.). Beyond timber: social, economic and cultural dimensions of non-wood forest products in Asia and the Pacific TBS experience. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from FAO Corporate Document Repository: Allen, S. (n.d.). Anita Roddick Redefining Business As We Know It. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Andrew Crane, D. M. (Ed.). (2007). Corporate social responsibility Vol 3 : Corporate social responsibility in global context. London: Sage. Entrepreneurial Thinking: The Story Of Anita Roddick From TBS. (2009, February 20). 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Design Driven Innovation Collection: TBS. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Design Driven Innovation: Swann, G. P. (2009). The Economics of Innovation an introduction. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. TBS International plc Company History. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 3, 2009, from Funding Universe: TBS INTERNATIONAL PLC Values report 2009. (2009). Retrieved December 3, 2009, from TBS INTERNATIONAL PLC: TBS values campaigns. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2009, from TBS : Vidhya Alakeson, C. S. (2004, July). Innovation for Sustainable Development. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Forum For The Future:
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Zone Diet Essay -- Health Nutrition Weight Loss
It seems like everywhere you look there is some new diet plan making miraculous promises of weight loss through pills, plans, and formulas. The zone diet is no exception. The zone diet was developed by Dr. Barry Sears in his book," Enter the Zone" which was on the bestseller lists for weeks. The zone promises high energy, weight loss, and no hunger to those willing to follow the simple set of zone rules. It sounds great you say, but does it really work? What is the Zone? The "zone" was first referred to by athletes as a period of maximum performance and energy levels. When things are clicking and every part of our body is working at its best, we say we are "in the zone." When we fall short we experience a loss of performance, more illness, and feel moody and restless. The zone diet helps individuals to stay in the zone, not just trying to hit or miss. Instead of experiencing periodic energy highs and lows, it regulates levels throughout the day, putting the body in a metabolic state of peak efficiency. Much of this energy regulation is controlled by eicosanoids ( These are some of the most important chemical messengers in the body. However, since they perform their cell-to-cell communications very rapidly and in very small concentrations, they have often been overlooked by many researchers. Eicosanoids are completely derived from dietary fat. In addition, they have opposing physiological functions, which can be either good or bad. The good eicosanoids accelerate the use of stored body fat, whereas the bad do the opposite. These levels of eicosanoids can be controlled by what we eat at each meal. For example, high levels of carbohydrates decrease the produ... 4. Gray, J., and Martinovic, A. (I 994). Eicosanoids and essential fatty acid modulation in chronic disease and the chronic fatigue syndrome, Medical Hypotheses, 43(l): 31-42. Harvey, J., Wing, R.,& Mullen, M. (I 993). Effects on food cravings of a very low calorie diet or a balanced, low calorie diet. Appetite, 21(2): 105-15. Kurilla, Michael G. (I 996). Protein Requirements in Humans. Intemet Librwy Shah, M., McGovern, P., French, S. & Baxter J. (1994). Comparison of a low-fat, ad libitum complex-carbohydrate diet with a low-energy diet in moderately obese women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59(5): 980-4. Suchner, U., and Senftleben, U. (1994). h=une modulation by polyunsaturated fatty acids during nutritional therapy: interactions with synthesis and effects of eicosanoids. Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedzin, 21(3): 167-82.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Celebration of Brown vs. Board Essay -- Event Race Racial
Celebration of Brown vs. Board It has been fifty years since the Brown vs. Board of Education decision and the University of Illinois has honorably commemorated this event. Our task from my Rhetoric 105 class was to go out and visit an event that commemorates the Brown vs. Board decision. The first event that attracted me was the exhibit at the Krannert Art Museum called â€Å"Social Studies: Eight Artists Address Brown v Board of Education.†The eight artists that contributed work to the exhibit were Dawoud Bey, Sanford Biggers and Jennifer Zackin, Brett Cook-Dizney, Virgil Marti, Gary Simmons, Pamela Vander Zwan, and Carrie Mae Weems. As I walked into the exhibit, I felt almost privileged in a sense. The people around me seemed to be dressed nicely, well cut, and well groomed. Basically they appeared well off, as I strolled in with my scratched and wrinkled jeans and hoody sweater. I felt almost as if at any inopportune moment they would ask me to leave and come back when I had my ‘privileged’ clothes on. Nevertheless, I looked around as I found my way to the exhibit and found absolutely no African Americans, besides myself; which made me feel shame. Not for myself, but more of a â€Å"shame on you†for other African Americans that I felt should have been there. I felt like they are taking for granted something that they did not always have and It surprises me that the only people that I saw to celebrate the passing of fifty years of the Brown v Board decision were a child day care field trip, an old couple, and a few other adults; none of whom belonged to any minority group. I felt eyes on my back through the calm vibes of the museum and because I am a minority this feeling often comes more... ...ood shape the way people eat, breath, and live. I am very glad that I came to this exhibit. It gave me a chance to see how the world is like through the artist’s eyes. The more people see things through other’s eyes, or other’s point of view, the more they can detach themselves from conclusions or restrictions that they already hold to themselves. That way people can be as they once were, with no blindfolds or masks, and accept the world as it is with everything and anything that comes in it. Then I will not have to worry about eyes on my back or any judgments made about me. It has been fifty years since it was declared that segregated schools were unequal, but has it since equal? What if there were nothing or nobody attaching or instilling beliefs to us in the world? Will it be then that everyone accepts each other fully and completely, without any more ‘bull-shit’?
Cocaine :: essays research papers
Cocaine Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug of abuse. Individuals who have tried cocaine have described the experience as a powerful high that gave them a feeling of supremacy. However, once someone starts taking cocaine, one cannot predict or control the extent to which he or she will continue to use the drug. The major ways of taking cocaine are sniffing or snorting, injecting, and smoking (including free-base and crack cocaine). Health risks exist regardless of whether cocaine is inhaled (snorted), injected, or smoked. However, it appears that compulsive cocaine use may develop even more rapidly if the substance is smoked rather than snorted. Smoking allows extremely high doses of cocaine to reach the brain very quickly and results in an intense and immediate high. The injecting drug user is also at risk for acquiring or transmitting HIV infection/AIDS if needles or other injection equipment are shared. Health Hazards †¢ Physical effects. Physical effects of cocaine use include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Some cocaine users report feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety, both while using and between periods of use. An appreciable tolerance to the high may be developed, and many addicts report that they seek but fail to achieve as much pleasure as they did from their first exposure. †¢ Paranoia and aggression. High doses of cocaine and/or prolonged use can trigger paranoia. Smoking crack cocaine can produce particularly aggressive paranoid behavior in users. When addicted individuals stop using cocaine, they may become depressed. This depression causes users to continue to use the drug to alleviate their depression. †¢ Long-term effects. Prolonged cocaine snorting can result in ulceration of the mucous membrane of the nose and can damage the nasal septum enough to cause it to collapse.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Education reforms Essay
The problems experienced in the K-12 level of education in U. S. A today are a serious threat to the health of the economy and the future prosperity of society in general. The quality of education is deteriorating though the government has increased funding by 44 percent. â€Å"A rising tide of mediocrity†as reported by the federal commission was the key factor that causes the K-12 education to deteriorate (Kurt 2003). There are no parental choice programs that give them the power to make decisions on how the school should be run. The children are assigned to schools that are nearer to their place of residence and this is based on zoning rules. Another problem is that public schools are performing below the standard and they are not held accountable for their performance. â€Å"The schools are lacking incentive to improve quality or take control of the costs for they are protected by the education act of the government. †(The Washington Post 2008 April 3) The private and religious schools are performing well as opposed to the public schools and this has a negative significance to the students who are enrolled in public schools. Due to the problems discussed above then the government must address the bureaucratic structure reform and especially the public education. For the discussed problems I would advocate for empowering of parents so that they will ensure that students are served better than the administration. They will also be allowed to transfer their children from the schools that are not performing and consequently this will compel the school to improve their quality. The government should ensure that public school are performing and more so come up with strategies that will enable them to perform. The reform will make the schools to be more resourceful with their finances and follow the curriculum accordingly. In his recent public speech, Senator McCain noted that â€Å"markets have losers and winners and United States of America cannot afford any losers in a game of educational roulette. †(The New York Times 2008 July 14). The choice of programs will allow parents to take their children to schools within or outside the districts depending on the performance. There should be also introduction of charter schools which are publicly funded but managed by private officers. â€Å"The bureaucratic systems that prevent funds from reaching the teaching fraternity should be abolished. †(William B. 2007) The two presidential candidates have realized that the deterioration of America’s educational system will be a major concern as for the voters. They have therefore come up with various proposals to reform K-12 education once they get into power. Senator Barrack Obama will establish national standards by ensuring that national tests are done on a voluntary basis. He also promises to empower parents to improve the educational quality and academic achievement. On the other hand, Senator McCain proposed that parents will be allowed to use the proceeds to reform K-12 education as well as pay for their children’s university fees. This is an idea that was rejected by President Clinton but McCain wants to reintroduce the bill. In The New York Times dated 14th July 2008, â€Å"there was an agreement by school officials that vouchers foster competition and thereby force public schools to improve. †Also in The Washington Post dated 3rd April 2008 it was noted that â€Å"new choices in education have sent a powerful message to schools and prompt some of them to acknowledge a threat of competition. †To summarize, it is clear that public schools are providing substandard education to the students. It is because of this reason that there is need to address the bureaucratic structure of schools that does not put the interests of the learners at heart. References Greenwood C. (2008 April 3) K-12 education reforms. The Washington Post. Kurt Finsterbusch (2003) Annual Editions: Social Problems. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education William George Bruce (2007)The American School Board Journal Michigan: National School Boards Association A Smith,(2008 July 14) Bureaucratic System of Education. The New York Times.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Essay About Multitasking
Multitasking – â€Å"the ability to do several different things at once†Nowadays, people prefer to divide people in two groups; people who masters to multitask, and those who can’t. Almost everyone place themselves in the former group, thereafter they put the rest of the people in the latter. But of course most people are lying. I personally take advantage of multitasking daily to a certain extent, yes, practically all the time – in a certain level. And my perception of multitasking is the same as http://www. google. no/ ‘s perception on what multitasking is; it’s simply to have the ability to do several different things at once.But something that should be mentioned here is that no one can really multitask. It's when we think we're multitasking; we're only jumping from one thing to another. This way of doing things is addictive and can of course eventually cause us difficulties among our ability to concentrate. With other word; it is physica lly impossible for a human to do two things at the same time. Then, I don’t mean that it is completely impossible to do two things at the same time; such as talking while walking, or smiling while dancing.No, I mean that it is impossible to multitask – to do two things at the same time – as long as the two things that should be done at the same time, requires a lot of concentration and attention to be done correct. I guess you yourself are able to distinguish between which tasks that requires a lot of concentration, and which requires less. Whether you're driving a car while talking on the phone, or if you write e-mails during meetings, it is not true that you do both at once – it's impossible. Unlike the other examples I’ve already mentioned.What you actually do when you’re doing the concentration demanding-tasks is to focus on the first one and then the other, a so-called â€Å"switch-tasking†. Because if you’re doing two con centration demanding things at once , of course your concentration is divided between to tasks at the same time – therefore the result of your actions won’t be as good as they could’ve been – if the tasks were done separately and thoroughly. It's been proven time after time over the last years: multitasking is something only computers can do.What we humans do, when we think that we’re â€Å"multitasking†, is to jump from doing one thing to another, as mentioned earlier. But let us not forget that there's one more group; those who need to multitask. I'd most probably put myself in that group – the group of people who can't concentrate and focus on one specific thing unless she or he is doing at least one more thing at the exact same time. Now, you may call it ADHD, while I would rather call it being efficient.Of course there’s possible to listen to music while you’re doing your homework – to exclude the other actio ns around you, and to increase your concentration, like I personally do. But also here, the perceptions are different. Some people find hearing music while doing homework as disturbing. I think that the perception and the results of multitasking are different from person to person, depending on whom the person concerned is and what tasks there is to be done. A day should absolutely have more hours so all tasks on the to-do-list could’ve been done!But that isn’t something we can change†¦ so I think that the only thing we can do is to make the best out of it and remember to relax now and then. Sources: http://m. theglobeandmail. com/report-on-business/careers/careers-leadership/the-lunch/eileen-mercier-its-all-about-multitasking/article2021801/? service=mobile http://www. klikk. no/kvinneguiden/helse/article761396. ece http://www. universityessays. com/example-essays/business/the-ethics-of-multitasking. php http://www. webopedia. com/TERM/M/multitasking. html http:/ /www. tinbergen. nl/discussionpapers/11044. pdf
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Gordon’s Health Assessment Essay
Running Head: Assessment of a Family 1 Using Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns in the Assessment of a Family Se La Vie Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V Family-Centered Health Promotion 28 August 2013 Assessment of a Family 2 Health promotion continues to be at the center of healthcare today. Through the use of Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns, a foundation is formed in the gathering of information by the assessing of an individual and family in order to identify lifestyle behaviors and patterns. Through the use of these lifestyle behaviors and patterns, healthcare professionals are able to come up with various diagnoses and interventions for potential and actual problems that may interfere with one’s health and wellbeing. This paper will outline three questions for each pattern that was used to assess a specific family and help to interpret the findings through the use of Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns. The family interviewed consists of a husband and wife whom both served in the United States Armed Forces, and their three children. A summary of the findings for each health pattern will be discussed. Also, a wellness and family diagnoses will be developed and presented. When asked questions in relation to the pattern of health perception and health management, the family stated that someone who really cared about their health would take the necessary steps in order to make sure that their body was well maintained. The family admitted that though they knew the steps in order to determine their current health status, it had been a couple of years since anyone in the family had had a full physical. Further comments emphasized that their lifestyles and behavior was in line to the point of not causing them any further damage which including no drinking of any type or even smoking. The husband stated that he used to smoke and drink but quit six years ago. The wife made mention of drinking but had also quit the habit. Assessment of a Family 3 The husband is a stay-at-home dad and the mom works. The children (ages 16 and six) attend different schools at different times of the day, while their two year old stays at home. Due to work and school schedules, breakfast and lunch are not eaten at the same time. This makes it impossible to ensure that everyone is getting the necessary types of foods from all the various food groups. Due to this inconsistency, everyone is forced to eat whatever it is that may be fast and convenient in relation to the time and space available because of various schedules. No one in the family is overweight but the husband and wife expressed that they would like to lose a couple of pounds. Various weight loss regimens have been tried but to no avail due to certain ailments both suffered by the husband and wife. In the pattern of elimination, it was expressed that using the bathroom was a normal function for everyone in the family except for the wife. She states that there have been times in which she was unable to use the bathroom and sometimes requires the help of an over-the-counter medication. The only other time in which there have been problems is due to some illness that may affect the children causing them issues in their pattern of elimination. The family also stated that their diet may sometimes cause them issues in this department. The husband is lactose intolerant which the intake of any type of dairy product. He still decides to neglect this issue and still consumes various dairy products. Due to this neglect, the husband has been forced to deal with an illness (hemorrhoids) which has caused his many discomforts in the past. The pattern of activity and exercise revealed that the family did not have a hobby in which they consistently participated in. Time and schedule determined what type of activity the Assessment of a Family 4 family was able to participate in. The husband stated that he loved to work out and also had a membership at a gym. He works out at least four times a week and ensures that some type of cardiovascular exercise is a part of his regime. The wife stated that she had a membership to a gym also but was unable to attend no more than three days a week. The wife currently suffers from a disease called fibromyalgia which causes pain to radiate throughout her body. This causes her much discomfort and most of the time, rules out any attempt of physical activity that would cause an increase in heart rate. Due to both husband and wife serving in the Armed Forces, pains in their bodies have become part of their everyday life. They are both receiving treatment for their ailments but need several prescribed medications in order to either function or have a normal day of life. Their pain causes them to limit certain everyday activities and tailor what it is they can and can’t do. Their ailments range from issues with their backs, knees, and ankles, to that of migraine headaches. Recently, the wife of the house was diagnosed with arthritis in both her knees and also in her lower back. This has placed a limitation on various activities in which they are able to perform with their children. As of recent, the wife has had severe pain to the point of being unable to get out of bed and having to visit the ER (emergency room) on various occasions. Their cognitive-perceptual pattern is one that is in constant acknowledgment with nothing being able to rid of the issue being faced by both hus band and wife. The pattern of sleep and rest is one of an issue to both husband and wife. The husband was developed numerous times to combat zones and now suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He rarely gets enough sleep through the night and is easily startled by various Assessment of a Family 5 sounds/noises. The only way he can actually sleep is by taking certain prescribed medication. On the other hand, the wife has the same issue but does not get enough rest due to having pains in her body. She also has to take prescribed medications in order to be able to relax and even get some sleep. There are days when pain subsides and both husband and wife are able to get some sleep, while on other days, they try their best to either go to sleep early or try to take catnaps in between times. Everyone in this family seems to be happy with whom they are. They are a very proud family who believe that God has made them just the way he wanted them to be. When asked â€Å"if you had a chance to do everything again would they change anything?†the reply was that they would not change a thing. Their faith and trust in God shows that they were supposed to go through everything that has been experienced in life for it made them be able to come together as a couple and also appreciate each other. They see their current place in life as one of a place of growth. Though they say some parts of life have really been rough, the husband and wife believe everything led to each other to produce what the world views of them today. Husband, wife and even children are all pleased with who they are. They made mention to the fact that if they were to change, it would be because it was something God wanted them to do in order to please him and no one else. Most friends of the family originate from the church which the family attends. Though they do not always hang out with their friends, they do try to attend events or get-togethers with friends in order to break up the monotony within their relationship. The couple sees each other as their own best friend and spends most of their time together with each other. The father sees Assessment of a Family 6 himself as someone who does his best to provide for the family even though he stays at home. He does his best to ensure that everyone’s personal needs are taken care of and if unable to be taken care of, there is some type of alternative solution to the issue. Mom is the most ingenuitive in the family. She loves decorating, and coming up with various ideas to design or make things look better. The 16 year old daughter is relied on to look after her six and two year old siblings. This allows for mom and dad to get back to their role as a couple and be able to go out on dates and enj oy each other’s company. As stated earlier, the couple has three children. Husband and wife both feel sex is a very important part of their life. Though the couple they have these feelings of intercourse, intercourse had to be put aside due to the fact of the wife being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Even though this disease is causing an issue, sex is never ignored. There were some issues in the past in which intimacy was an issue due to the wife being in a former abusive relationship. Over the course of years, this issue has been worked out and the family can actually attest that their intimacy is better than ever. On pattern of coping and stress tolerance, the couple believes that stress is necessary part of life. Though they feel no one should ever be stressed out, stress allows a person to push further and provides a drive to accomplish various tasks. There are other times when some people may feel overwhelmed and cannot handle the pressures of life. During times like these, the husband states that a good support system is necessary which allows people to vent their frustration and also gain good advice in return. Times like these show the usefulness of a good church. The husband states that their belief and values allows them to stay in line and be able to Assessment of a Family 7 handle any type of obstacle in which they may ever face. They do their best never to go against their values and beliefs for they feel it keeps them in line in order to live a life acceptable to God. In everything they do in life, the couple feels that God should always come first, your spouse second, your childre n third, and then everything else should follow. Wellness Diagnosis SENSORY–PERCEPTUAL PATTERN Wellness Diagnosis Readiness for Enhanced Comfort Level COGNITIVE PATTERN Wellness Diagnosis Readiness for Enhanced Cognition SLEEP–REST PATTERN Wellness Diagnosis Readiness for Enhanced Sleep Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns Questions †¢ Pattern of Health Perception and Health Management: 1. What do you think a well managed health consists of? 2. Do you drink or smoke (If so, would you like to quit?) 3. When was the last time you had a physical to determine your current health status? †¢ Nutritional – Metabolic Pattern: 1. Of what food groups does the family mainly choose? 2. Is anyone in the family overweight? 3. Has the family ever tried dieting in order to lose unwanted/unnecessary weight? †¢ Pattern of Elimination: 1. How many times do you use the bathroom in a day? 2. Does anyone in the family have any excretory problems/issues? 3. Does the food you eat affect your excretory pattern? †¢ Pattern of Activity and Exercise: 1. What are your favorite hobbies? 2. Do you exercise regularly (how many times a week)? 3. Do you participate in any outdoor activities that cause an increase in heart rate? †¢ Cognitive – Perceptual Pattern: 1. Are you currently in any pain? 2. Do you e xperience any pain while performing everyday activities? 3. Have you been diagnosed with any ailments and/or illness? †¢Pattern of Sleep and Rest: 1. How many hours of sleep do you get in a day? 2. Would like to get more sleep than you usually have? 3. Are there any other methods you use in trying to relax? †¢ Pattern of Self Perception and Self Concept: 1. Is there anything you want to improve about yourself? 2. Are you pleased with your current place in life? 3. If you could do things all over again, what would you change/leave the same? †¢ Role – Relationship Pattern: 1. Do you have friends outside your personal relationship? 2. What is your current role in the family? 3. Do you wish you had more or less responsibilities? †¢ Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern: 1. Do you have children (if not do you want children)? 2. Is sex part of your relationship? 3. Where there any traumatic times in life that may be hindering your current sex life? †¢ Pattern of Coping and Stress Tolerance: 1. Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the things of life? 2. When things becom e overwhelming, what do you do to gain back control? 3. Do things have to be stressful in order for you to function? †¢ Pattern of Values and Beliefs: 1. Does your values and beliefs govern how you make decisions? 2. Are there ever instances where you go against your values and/or beliefs? 4. What are your spiritual beliefs?
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Case Holt Renfrew Essay
Inactive suppliers: HR had approximately 3000 different suppliers, only about 1000 suppliers were used. Suppliers’ management was inefficient. The inactive resulted in waste of resources including human resources, files management, Information system overload, etc. Inactive SKUs: HR had approximately 500,000 SKUs, only about 50 per cent were active at any given time. Huge inventory carrying costs happened when almost 50% inactive SKUs stayed in the DC or warehouse. Dull and Repeating Work for Employees: staff spent a lot of time on the phone expediting shipments to stores, and confirming and adjusting previous orders with suppliers. Employees’ career development would be retarded by the dull job. It would made the high turnover rate and it would be costly to hire and train the new employees. Suppliers’ Mismanagement: Suppliers just delivered the products to the DC without prior notification. We were not able to anticipate what to expect daily. It would cost time and human resources to confirm and adjust the orders with the suppliers. Lack of Communication with Merchandiser: staff did not get any information from merchandiser. They were constantly pushed by stores to follow up on orders delivery and transportation service providers. The unsmooth communication and unequal information increased the staff burden and made them involved in a vicious cycle. Unclear Purchasing Process: The receiving staff did not know what merchandises would arrive with quantity and quality. The unclear process made the staff confused what they were going to do, which lower their morale. They would be likely to shirk their responsibilities when ad-hoc happened. Disordered DC: Inventories were in everywhere in the DC – underneath the conveyers and scattered across aisles. It was hard to find rooms for unload trucks and process merchandise. Also it was difficult to find the right merchandise. The disorganized DC would decrease the productivity directly. It seemed overloaded and needed the overtime or temporary staff, which affected the morale of the employees. The misplacing inventories could have potential hazard to the employees. Stock outs at stores: Store managers constantly complained the stock outs was caused by the DC. Customers cannot get what they need on time and will most likely to lost sales and possibly lost customers. The fashionable products would be outdated and probably return to the secondary warehouse to increase the inventory cost. Problem Statement: How can HR redesign the DC layout and improve process flow to solve the congestion in two warehouses so as to reduce the warehouses costs and to make great profit? Analysis: SWOT Strengths – HR belongs to Wittington Group headed by Canadian business leader Galen Weston who is listed as the second wealthiest in Canada with an estimated net worth of $US 8.9 billion. The parent company can support HR to complete the improvement. Weaknesses – The problems of the business process, DC layout, warehouses congestion, human resources, stockouts caused high expenditures. Opportunities – The fashion demand would be increase as the increased tourisms would eager to purchase the luxury products in Canada. Threats – The competitors like Saks Fifth Avenue could threaten to HR within the following years. Qualitative For HR, how to work out some solutions to redesign the DC layout and improve process flow to solve the congestion in two warehouses had been put forward on agenda. We would consider the following factors. 1. Merchandising Process? (belongs to logistics?) Merchandising is a specialized management function within the fashion industry. It is the business that moves the world fashion from designers’ showroom to retail sales floor and into the hands of consumers. It is the internal planning that takes place within HR in order ensure adequate amount of merchandise are on hand to be sold at prices that the consumers are willing to pay to ensure a profitable operation. These processes involve in the followings: 1) Analysis: is required because HR needed to understand the needs and wants of our target audience. 2) Planning: It is necessary to plan since the merchandise to be sold in future must be bought in advance. It contains sales forecasts, merchandise budgets, and model stock plans. 3) Buying: Merchandise to be sold in HR, needs to be procured from others. It still needs the process like industrial procurement including supplier evaluation and selection, negotiation, and ordering. 4) Distribution: It is vital to determine where merchandise is needed and ensure that the merchandise reaches the required location at the right time and the right condition. It consists of transport, receiving, markings, and handling. 5) Control: As the function of retailing involves spending money for acquiring of products, it necessary to control the amount of money spent of buying. It comprises stock turnover, financial management, and operational control. 2. DC or warehouse Warehouses emphasize the storage of products and their primary purpose is to maximize the use of storage space. In contrast, distribution centers emphasize the rapid movement of products through a facility and thus attempt to maximize throughput (the amount of product entering and leaving a facility in a given time period). Since the incoming goods were to be immediately processed and shipped to the stores, DC was designed reasonable. HR’s secondary warehouse was designed to remain the merchandise until shipped to Last Call. Merchandise was returned again to the secondary warehouse until satisfactory arrangements for disposition were made. Whether closing the secondary warehouse depended on the cost, space utilization in DC and so forth. 3. DC process flow Cross-docking can be defined as a process where a product is received in a facility, occasionally married with product going to the same destination, then shipped at the earliest opportunity, without going into long-term storage. The 80,000 square-foot DC was designed as a flow-through warehouse. If we combine DC and warehouse, the cross-docking could be designed to resemble a motor carrier terminalâ€â€rectangular, long, and as narrow as possible or could be on one wall or placed at 90 degrees to one another. 4. DC layout design Before we reconfigurae DC layout, merchandise should be studied in terms of its special properties. We also should pay more attention to the trade-offs. Many trade-offs are inevitable when designing the structure as well as the arrangement of the relevant storage and handling equipment. Some trades-offs could be considered according to HR’s situation. 1) Build out versus build up It is cheaper to build up than build out. Building out develops horizontally and requires more space. However, as one builds higher, building costs decrease, while warehousing equipment costs tend to increase. 2) Fixed and variable slot locations A fixed slot location refers to a situation where each SKU has one or more permanent slots assigned to it. We probably could store inactive SKUs or the merchandise from the secondary warehouse if we decided to combine DC and warehouse. Fixed slot systems may result in low space utilization and generally need to be larger than a variable slot facility. Whereas a variable slot location involves empty slots being assigned to products based on space availability. We could apply it to the merchandise in DC. 3) Conventional, narrow, or very narrow aisles Compared to conventional aisles, narrow aisles can store 20% to 25% more products, while very narrow aisles can store 40% to 50% more products. Yet the handling equipment like forklift would be special designed. 4) Order-picking versus stock-replenishing functions. When order pickers and stock replenishers are allowed to work in the same area, fewer managerial personnel may be needed but it may also lead to congestion due to the number of workers in a relatively limited space. One suggestion is for the two sets of workers to use different aisles for their activities, but this requires a superior information system. 5. Human resources allocation We had 2 shifts in DC, and 2 supervisors and 10 hourly employees. The human resources strategies would be changed if closing the secondary warehouse. Dealing with the 12 employees should comply with the Contract Law and other regulations. 6. Stockouts and congestion The improved merchandising process and the resigned DC would solve the issues correspondingly.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Analyzing poem by the process of close reading Essay
Analyzing poem by the process of close reading - Essay Example The poem is full of anaphora from stanza one to the last stanza. In stanza one, Whitman uses the clause ‘so long†in the first and second line emphasize the how the theme of lies is developed. The audience gets to understand that speakers little faith is something that did not just happen overnight. Rather, it is something the speaker has always had, but about which he regrets. The introduction â€Å"O me†tells that the speaker feels that he is different from others. He feels that other have faith yet he cannot fathom how that faith work. When the poet repeats the clause â€Å"so long†in the second line of the first stanza, it reveals the speaker’s lack of faith. It shows that it emanates from his denial of various arguments about what the truth is. Other instances of anaphora in the poem used through repletion include the works and phrases such as â€Å"upon itself†and â€Å"perfect return.†In the last stanza, Whitman’s use of anaphora becomes rather evident as he use the words â€Å"and that†to begin every four line in the last stanza. In those instances, the poet uses such repetitions to demonstrate the speaker’s justification of his claims, opinions and understanding. A deep analysis using the anaphora approach the poet has used reveals that the speaker feels that the difference between lies and truths is the societal acceptability. He introduces what may be seen as cultural relativity, which defies the concept of universal ethics. Truths, he offers, are the only perfect returns. The speaker also suggests that lies can be perfect returns. That way, he implies that there is no difference between lies and truth as along as every lie is accepted as a form of truth. In terms of rhythm, the poem begins with short lines in the first stanza. The short lines progressively grow into long lines as the rhyme scheme disappears and resurfaces sparsely in subsequent stanzas. The second, third and
Monday, August 12, 2019
Social responsibility of businesses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social responsibility of businesses - Essay Example If they are to be civil servants taxing and spending for "social" objectives, then they must be elected. Conversely, when the individual proprietor exercises his "social responsibility," he is spending his own money and is justifiable. So the social responsibility of businesses is to increase its profits ethically in free and open competition (Milton, 1970). Stakeholders include owners (who have a financial stake with expectation of returns, employees with their livelihood at stake expectant of security, benefits and meaningful work), suppliers (have their survival at stake and determine the firm's success, customers (exchange resources for products to profit the firm and benefit from the products), the local community (grants the right to firms to construct and returned with good facilities) and management. Management's stake is akin to the employees with the duty to safeguard the welfare of corporation, by resolving conflicts among conflicting stakeholders and balance their interes ts based on a doctrine of fairness (Ed, 1994). The disagreement lies in management. For Ed, the management still fulfils its role as long as the interests of the stakeholders are met with equality (Ed, 1994). As for Milton, once the manager is not an elected civil servant who taxes and spends the proceeds for "social purposes", he seizes to be manager (Milton, 1970). In his article, he explained that w... In his article, he explained that we act as consumers to get what we want for ourselves and we act as citizens to achieve what we think is right or best for the community (Sagoff). This implies that when we will think of national goals, they will go beyond our self-mere interest. Based on this distinction there will be a significant ethical difference between risk that is taken by the consumers (who chooses smoking) and risk that is imposed on them as citizens (subjected to the radioactive waste). Therefore in view of the cost benefit analysis, which sides the consumers, is not an adequate solution to address environmental concerns as it does not allow us "to have power to act as a nation", because we are not "able to acton a public philosophy, conviction, or faith" (Sagoff). 3.2 Name three steps along the roadmap Lovins, Lovins and Hawkin describe. The first step is to dramatically increase the productivity of natural resources by reducing the wasteful and destructive flow of resources from depletion to population through fundamental changes in both production design and technology. The second step is the shift to biologically inspired models where systems can be designed to eliminate the use of toxic materials, which can hamper nature's ability to reprocess materials (closed-loop manufacturing). The third step would be a move to a solutions-based business model where the new relationship from this model of delivering value as a flow of service will align the interest of providers and customers in ways that reward them for implementing the first two steps. 4.1 What are Reich's arguments against corporate social responsibility Make a list, with one sentence summarizing each. "1. Why the interest" describes the increase of interest in "corporate social
Soteriology Doctrine of Atonement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Soteriology Doctrine of Atonement - Essay Example (Herrick 2005, screen 1) It is a study by theologians world over on why and how belief in Christ the Son, is the only way to the Father God and thereby, eternal life. So the word Soteriology has come to be associated with deliverance from all sins and afflictions. (Richardson undated, screen 1)And the rest of the paper reflects on how true Soteriology itself can defend its claims of atonement through faith in Christ. Though the word Soteriology does not exist in the scriptures, ("What is" 2006, screen 1) the whole New Testament can be itself called an express expansion of the term. And what better light than to examine the atonement through faith in Christ than the very Scriptures. In Psalms 49:6-9, the Lord God says They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches; None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him: (For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever:) That he should still live for ever, and not see corruption. The Lord God foretells of the coming of Son who will never see corruption but remain as true and pure. Though He could have chosen any and all, He chose to show us His wonder and glory not in His power or might, but in His meekness, and mercy. It is only through Christ Jesus that man is atoned for their sins. He further confirms this as He says in Matthew 18:11, For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. Mankind had fallen. It was only through His arm (With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him) (Psalm 89:21) and Isaiah 40:10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. Our reward is found through obedience to Lord Jesus. He is the way to salvation there is no other. Christ spoke to us and told us that He is the way. No one save whom He chooses to reveal to the Father will know Him. All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. (Matt. 11:27). There is one path to salvation and that path was marked by the passing of Him. He showed us how, why, and what. How we must live or lives. What we must do to receive the gift of eternal and why He chose to die the death He did - not for his own glory but for the salvation of mankind. For, it was through His blood that atonement was paid for our sins. Christ further told us that He and the Father are one. As the Lord stated in Issaih as previously stated He referred to Christ as His arm. He came to reach out the arm of the Lord first to atone for our sins. He came from the Father and died on the cross that we all may live. He rose from the dead and ascended to return to the Father, but His work was not finished. He is here amongst us and knocks - how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! (Matthew 23:37) Who is there to answer his knock God does not measure time as man measures time. He was, is and will be beyond time. "Election and foreknowledge are essentially the same." (Thiessen 2003, p. 107) In 2 Timothy He tells us
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Diverse Effects Of Smoking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Diverse Effects Of Smoking - Research Paper Example The administration has undertaken research on the sound mechanism to convince the students of the benefits of quitting or abstaining from smoking. Critical evaluation of costs associated with smoking in the wider society shows the significant loss. SCSU shows concern for the welfare of the society by taking the lead in addressing such contentious health issue. The student community is considered influential in boosting the campaign due to their high rate of interaction and potential to initiate the revolution. It is in the interest of the students to promote the campaign against the vice and enhance the functionality of the ban. Besides banning, the smokers can be made to see sense through insightful debate among students. The institution has factual evidence in support of its decision to effect a ban on smoking. The learning institutions should be at the center of championing for better health. In this respect, smoking in the school poses a significant health risk to the smokers and the non-smokers. These consequences are multidimensional. The resultant health conditions from smoking are an additional medical cost to the society. Besides, there is the likelihood of deterioration in physical and mental health which translates to poor performance in school. The central concern of the university for imposing the ban revolves around saving. The cost of cigarettes is high and affects the students’ financial positions significantly. SCSU has set a schedule on how to effect the ban and wrap it up with the intensive anti-smoking campaign in school. The schedule takes spectrum plan which will involve first, second, third and last to fine-tune the entire work.
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