Monday, September 30, 2019
Monitor Children and Young People’s Development Essay
1. Observation. The observation could be formal and informal and both types have the advantages and disadvantages. 1.1.Informal observations – these are carried out daily when working with a pupil and overtime a picture can be built of the pupil’s progress and if there are any issues such as unable to draw circles with a compass, not recording homework correctly in the planner. These may be small but over time a picture of each pupil will be built up. It is likely that Teacher Assistants will discuss their observations with teachers. A disadvantage of informal observations is that they may not be recorded and might be forgotten to be passed on. 2. Formal observations – this may be carried out to support the teacher on assessing a pupil’s level of development such as a controlled assessment or a speaking and listening test. Standard Measurements – this is usually carried out by medical practitioners to ensure that a child is growing at the expected rate for their age. School tests/cognitive aptitude tests that demonstrate a snapshot of children’s academic ability or skill at retaining taught information and that might then be used to compare outcomes between a larger population of same-age children. Health programmes that might measure head circumference, weight, height, visual and auditory functioning. Educational psychologists may use reasoning tests to assess an intellectual age in contrast to a chronological age. 3. Information from carers and colleagues – information from carers can be vital if there is a factor that may be influencing the development of a young person an example may be that the pupil is being bullied or they don’t understand the learning objective but are too scared to ask for help. As a colleague if you see a change in the child you must communicate this to the class teacher to help them to assess what assistance may be required. 4. Assessment framework – it is the way in which child is assessed to decide whether they have any particular needs and what these needs may be. It is useful in deciding whether the child is reaching expected milestones of development in different areas. Assessment frameworks involve methods such as England’s EYFS profile, possibly baseline assessments for children entering a new setting, the way a setting assesses development for a possible 2 year progress check, P-scales are another method that may be used to assess the development of children with learning difficulties.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Poetry Analysis If by Rudyard Kipling
English 113 9 November 2012 Poetry Analysis by Rudyard Kipling â€Å"If†As I analyze this poem, I get a sense of life’s challenges and how someone can overcome those who refuse to take accountability for their own actions. Considering the poem using point of view, I wonder whether it is being told from the point of view of Rudyard Kipling or not. Is â€Å"If†the story of Kipling himself? Is it an ideal he aspired to or something he attained? If he did attain it, is it something he attained and knew he attained it, or something he attained and still didn’t realize it?Perhaps the answers to some of those questions are beyond the scope of this paper, but Kipling’s life can help us understand the poem more completely. Kipling was born in Bombay, India, in 1856. He always had tales that he was writing for children, including his own children (Poetry Foundation). Sadly one of his children died at the age of eighteen, fighting the Irish Guards (Bhaskart, Rao). Kipling himself suffered bullying growing up and was often punished by his parents.This poem expresses the importance of an individual taking and accepting the responsibility for their own livesâ€â€including their mistakesâ€â€and not blaming others. The poem has two important lessons. The first is that we are all equal. Don’t put yourself above anyone else, but know that you are just as good as everyone else, so don’t let anyone else put themselves above you. The second is that you should believe in yourself, even when everyone doubts you. Don’t believe in lies people say about youâ€â€or about anyone else. Tell the truth, believe the truth, and behave truthfully, not matter what those around you do.These lessons come from the point of view of a father instructing his son; naturally, we could also look at it as coming from the point of view of any older man to any younger manâ€â€an emotional or spiritual father-son rela tionshipâ€â€but it seems the intent of the author was clear that this poem was directed to his physical son. This poem is a beautiful personal goal and an inspiration for anyone who wishes to be a better individual; it acts as light on a dark night. It is exactly the kind of talk a father might give to his son about growing into a good man.People sometimes talk about becoming productive members of society, but Kipling seems to take a different approach in this poem. Making â€Å"one of of all your winnings†and risking â€Å"it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,†and then losing it all and having to â€Å"start again at your beginnings†(lines 17-19)â€â€this kind of encouragement hardly seems like it’s rooted in productivity being the measure of a man. Instead, Kipling talks about the importance of making the right choices, and how those choices can have a huge effect on someone’s life.The poem also says to have confidence in your actions and t o not allow anyone to say that you cannot do it. Don’t let anyone push you down, Kipling says, or doubt your competence, and don’t let those people stop you from reaching your goals. â€Å"If you can dream and not make dreams your master†talks about daring to dream; yet not letting that dream control your life (Paul, Halsall). Accept your dreams as yours; however, don’t mistreat others to get there. Again using lines 17-19 as our evidence, we see that Kipling also suggests that we must always learn from our mistakes and not ignore them.Line 20 describes his interpretation of this kind of behavior: â€Å"Never breathe a word about your loss. †We all have a lot to learn. We can learn from bad choices, by not committing the same mistake again, but complaining about our mistakes or our losses does no one any good. If there are roadblocks in your path of life, it is okay to make adjustments to your course and sometimes even to make U-turns; however, u se it as learning a lesson for what is to come: If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools. (13-16) The most important lesson here is to never give up. It is very hard to get back on your feet after life has beaten you into the ground. If circumstances throw you off, get back on your feet and don’t let that cheat you out of reaching your goals. Instead, put all the broken pieces together to make you a stronger person. When you are stronger it is easier to encounter life’s challenges. In two sections, the poem also talks about recognizing the truth and speaking the truth, and how the truth can affect both you and those around you.In the first, Kipling addresses the mindset he wanted his son to have when doubts and lies were directed at him: If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise. (3-8) Believe in yourself, Kipling says, even when everyone doubts you; don’t believe the lies people say about you or anyone.The second section that deals with honesty deals more with a person being honest with himself: If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools. (11-14) Kipling continues this theme in the fourth stanza: â€Å"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, / Or walk with Kings, nor lose the common touch. †Strive to be successful, but don’t let being successful fool you. Continue to help others and be nice to them.Don’t get lost in the world of money and luxury. Help others who need you. Don’t be selfish and concentr ate only on your needs and wants (Paul, Halsall). We might use the phrase today, â€Å"Be true to yourself. †As Shakespeare in one of his plays had a father (Polonium) advise his son (Laertes): â€Å"This above all: to thine own self be true, / And it must follow, as the night the day, / Thou canst not then be false to any man†(Hamlet 1. 3. 78–82). Being kind and true to yourself, your family or anyone that walks in your life, can bring you many rewards.My analysis of this poem might be different from other analysis that you may have read, but it is my understanding of it and how I took this poem and put it on my life. Kipling was very realistic and clear in his words, and everyone can learn something from it. This poem was written in 1910 and it still applies today. No matter how many years have passed since it was written, it can always be applied to anyone, anywhere, and anytime. This poem, in general, is about living by what is often called the golden rule : Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Think about the bad you don’t want for yourself and don’t do it to others.Above all oddsâ€â€and above his troubled childhoodâ€â€Rudyard Kipling became a courageous and honest man. He knew how hard life can be, so he wrote this poem to his son teaching him solutions to life’s problems. That was the main reason he wrote this poem: He wanted his son to become a good man (poetry foundation). According to Kipling, getting through this life with all the challenges, good or bad, and making the right choices and being proud of yourself, being happy with your winnings, and learning from your mistakes these will help you achieve the best reward: to be a man (Geofrey, Wansell).Work Cited Geofrey, Wansell. â€Å"The Remarkable Story Behind Rudyard Kipling’s If. †Daily Mail. 15 Feb. 2009. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. Paul, Halsall. â€Å"Modern History Source Book. †Rudyard Kipling: If. July 1998. We b. 8 Nov. 2012. Poetry Foundation. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. Rao, K. Bhaskara. â€Å"Rudyard Kipling. †Critical Survey Of Long Fiction, Fourth Edition (2010): 1-7. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 7 Nov. 2012.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Healthy Lifestyles
There are many components of having a healthy life. The most important of which, however, are physical activity, healthy eating habits, a good sleep schedule, and a good control of stress. A combination of these is a good start to a healthy lifestyle.Physical activity is massively important for having a healthy lifestyle. If a decent exercise schedule didn't exsist in someone's lifestyle, a multitude of health problems are at risk for that person. For starters, if instead of exercising someone wer to be watching television or sitting at the computer, along with poor eating habits, obesity will eventually settle in and bring more health problems with it. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis can all be contracted due to obesity. Being physically active is a way to prevent these things.A key foundation for any healthy lifestyle is moderation in the things someone eats. For most of us, moderation means eating less than we do now. More specifically, it means eating far less of the unhealthy things such as refined sugar and saturated fat and more of the healthy things such as fresh fruit and vegetables. Eating a certain amount of calories is also important. Calorie intake also translates into how much physical exercise you need a day.Keeping up with a good sleep schedule is another component to having a healthy life. the only sure-fire way to not be tired during the day is to sleep good enough and long enough. The recommended time spent asleep is around six to eight hours a night. It's also recommended that people shouldn't take short cat-naps during the day. The reason being is that the brain goes through different sleep cycles while resting.Usually, these cycles last about an hour and a half, and when someone wakes up at the very end of one of these cycles, they'll feel well rested. However if someone were to wake up in the middle of one of these cycles, they won't feel any better than from when they first went to sleep. This is also a reason why the snooze button doesn't help in the mornings. It's best to just go through with sleeping at night.Keeping stress in check is the final key to living a healthy lifestyle. One way to keep stress under control is to simply excersize. Excersizing is a great way to negate stress because it keeps the mind occupied on whatever it is you're working out with. Plus, it takes care of getting one's daily exercise in for the day.That's the jist of living a healthy life. If one were to get control over their physical exercise, eating habits, sleep schedule, and stress; they'd be living an incredibly healthy life.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Crisis in New England Fisheries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Crisis in New England Fisheries - Essay Example This will be done on the basis of an article titled ‘Crisis in New England Fisheries’ and will also cover stakeholder issues, perspectives, concerns, interests, consequences, and the relevance of environmental science and ethics to the current situation. The said article appears as chapter 3 in the book ‘Watersheds 4: Ten Cases in Environmental Ethics’ by Newton et al. Summary of article: This article successfully puts across the seriousness of the situation, the consequences, and the probable outcomes of remedial actions. The paper starts with the depleted state of the fishing population and industry worldwide. The authors start off with the nature of fisheries worldwide before moving on to the specific case of New England Fisheries. According to them, nearly 90% of predator fish that is preferred as sea food has been depleted worldwide. This statement has been backed by other researchers, according to the Washington Post. The newspaper states that the world will be totally devoid of seafood by 2048 if not restricted and corrected (Eilperin, 2006). The total stock has fallen from more than 4 million tons nearly two and a half million tons in the North Atlantic Region where the fisheries in question is situated. The article then provides a detailed history of the fisheries about how it began and boomed starting from the mid 1860s. The area, accord ing to the authors was ideal for fish and its prey due to the climate, vegetation, the shallow water, and the currents. The boom which provided sustenance and livelihood to a larger number of fishermen, their families, and employees was cut down by the arrival of the large factory ships from primarily from Russia and Spain. These large scale fishing factories practically wiped out all edible and in-demand fish from the area in a matter of ten years. The Federal Government belatedly put a ban, through the introduction of the Magnuson Act, on banning fishing within 200
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Article Critique - Essay Example tains that his goal is to find â€Å"meaningful and relevant connections between what students†learn at school and ultimately what skills are required in the years ahead. (Waters, 2008) To this end, technology is obviously the most relevant connection. Similarly, Ohlone’s computer networking and emerging technology professor, Richard Grotegut is convinced that community college provides the strongest link between high school and a postsecondary education. The difficulty however, is that high school education is not by any means a specific skills institution. As Johns maintains, the trick is to integrate technology with the high school curriculum. To accomplish this task, Irvington partnered with Ohlone College, a community college which focuses on Information and Communication Technology. (ICT) The ICT program is calculated to provide high school students with courses that â€Å"prepare them to enrol in a community college†with the goal of transferring to a four year institution that focuses on â€Å"computer science or engineering.†(Waters, 2008) The partnership is based on the theory that the acquisition of standardized technology skills early on provides a smoother transition into college and onto the job market. This approach is realistic, given the increasing global reliance on modern technology and the manner in which modern technology drives international and domestic commercial transaction. Even so, according to Ameetha Palanki, chief academic officer at Edgenuity, a company that manufactures â€Å"educational software solutions†, these kinds of partnerships are not common at all. (Waters, 2008) Current connections typically focus on confining technology to the â€Å"advanced placement online courses.†(Waters, 2008) There is little or no emphasis on high school technologies that could aid students in their pursuit of a post secondary education. The Ohlone-Irivington partnership addresses this gap by offering three ICT programs collectively
Analysis of Abortion Theme in Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analysis of Abortion Theme in Literature - Essay Example For instance, there are a lot of disputes with pro and con arguments concerning the legalization of marihuana, the animal deaths for the sake of scientific experiments, the problem of corruption or possible methods to reduce alcohol dependence and others. Within entire variety of such ‘everlasting’ matters there is also one that causes considerable interest from the point of view of morality, ethics, social aspect and medicine simultaneously. Its level of development is able to affect demography and living standards of any country dramatically. This pressing issue manages to bring sometimes undesirable changes to people’s lives. And finally, present query deals with human health condition, which can be damaged irreparably if required preventive measures are not used in time. The problem which the present paper is dedicated to is the matter of abortions in modern society. Statistical data The world statistics shows that the biggest percentage of women who are prone to obtain abortions goes to the group of girls under twenty five years old. Over 60% of all medical procedures are done on women who have never been married (Henshaw and Kost 11). Moreover, only 7% of abortions happen due to rape or health problems, meanwhile about 93% of all abortions are committed because of social reasons, when a woman deliberately and consciously desires to get rid of unwanted baby. Today the question about whether abortion is ethically right or wrong action still quite controversial issue. Hence, in some states of the USA authorities provide financial assistance to insolvent women for enabling them to obtain mentioned medical procedure. However, in some countries, such as Brazil, Peru, Bangladesh, Colombia and Mexico, abortion has official status of illegal deed. Philosophic and religious attitude The matter of abortions from the view of ethics has been always a disputable notion among numerous philosophers. Jane English differentiates own visions concerning m entioned issue due to the stages of pregnancy. Hence, she believes that in the early months of pregnancy a baby in a womb should not be considered as a person, this means that a fetus has no any rights and moral status yet and abortion may take place. However, if there are late months of pregnancy then abortion should occur only if labor may cause damage to woman’s health condition (qtd. in Hillar and Prahl 133). By contrast with English, Mary Ann Warren concludes that no matter what period of pregnancy is a fetus should be considered as an inseparable part of woman’s body, therefore she has a full right to make a decision. It should be mentioned that different religions also have own visions to the problem of interrupted pregnancy. For example, the Orthodox Church objects to abortions, while Jewish faith claims that â€Å"a fetus is hot considered a full human being and has no juridical personality of its own†(Zwerin and Shapiro 31). Reasons of abortion It is well known that a decision to give a birth to a baby is a serious and essential step that requires prolong and weighted reflections. There is no harder and more crucial issue for a woman than to make up own mind concerning the possibility of her potential child’s future life. Feeling a burden of huge responsibility, a lot of women are prone to find courage for interrupting pregnancy artificially. This happens because of several reasons, the major of which are the following: childbirth may damage
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Global warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Global warming - Research Paper Example What makes their excess in the atmosphere particularly dangerous is their function. They serve as a blanket for the sun rays after they reach the Earth, so that they can not radiate back to the space (Kayne). The tremendous energy stored in the sun rays thus adds to the heat of the environment, and the temperature of the Earth rises in general. The rising temperature has many repercussions. As the temperature is going up, glaciers are melting away, thus adding to the sea water. There has been a considerable rise in the sea level over the past few centuries. The excess water floods out of the sea and causes damage to life and property on Earth. Every year, several tsunamis happen in different parts of the world. Much of the natural disasters can be attributed to the global warming. Moreover, global warming is depriving the polar bears of their habitat. As glaciers melt away, polar bears find it difficult to
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Surveys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Surveys - Essay Example es, Behaviour, and Preferences of E-Customers; Allworth Press 17 Introduction This present paper is a research paper that seeks to investigate how the internet has revolutionised how business is done and what influences the internet has on the performance of business organisation. The paper will mainly answer this research question using data collected from questionnaires that were distributed to a target population of fifteen people that comprised of five managers and ten friends and relatives. ... The second part of the paper will analyse that data that was collected in the first part while the third and final part of the paper will discuss research findings , draw out a conclusion and then spell out a few recommendation that address the research question. Part 1 1.1 Impact of the internet on businesses Jarvenpaa and Todd (2010) described the Internet as a global network that interconnects all computers in the world thereby enabling different computers in different corners of the world to communicate with each other. Bridges et al. (2010) further added that the internet is decentralised by design meaning that it is independent and not a property of any individual thou it relies on other physical infrastructures that taps into other networks. Through the interconnectivity provided by the Internet, the world has become a global village and it is no longer necessary to move physically from one location to another in order to inquire or acquire a good or service since this can be done through the internet and payment as well as delivery can be organised through the same platform. According to Bigne (2005), the internet has had a revolutionary impact mostly in the 21st century on the way people carry on various tasks. For example, it is no longer mandatory to go to work to simply submit or write a report, since the employee can do this at the comfort of his or her own home and then send the report to the manager via the internet. This mode of operating is largely classified under the concept of virtual office, which does not necessarily require workers to work under one physical location. Secondly, Close (2012) noted that it is no longer necessary to visit a physical store in order to inquire about a certain product or service before
Monday, September 23, 2019
Nataional Competetiveness Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Nataional Competetiveness - Term Paper Example The four factors are, factor endowments, domestic demand condition, related and supporting industries and structure, strategy and rivalry among firms (Hills and Jones 248). Figure 1: Diamonds Theory (Source: Peng 135) According to Porter, the above four factors constitute the diamond which is referred to as a jointly reinforcing scheme and therefore the competitive advantage of the firm depends on the favorability of the diamond for the specific industry in which the firm belongs (Misra and Yadav 83). The paper talks about the automobile industry in America and is analyzed with the help of Porter's â€Å"National Competitiveness Model†or the Diamond Theory. American Automobile Industry Factor Conditions/Endowment As stated in Porters Diamond Model, factors refer to the types of resources which are necessary for the industry and they are physical resources, human resources, capital resources, knowledge resources and other infrastructure. The nation tends to gain advantage wher e the factors are accepted and well mixed. The factor condition is further divided into two, natural and advanced factors (Walker 178). The automobile industry includes those companies which are involved in marketing, production and also maintenance of automobiles. As per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the automobile sector had employed about 700,000 workers in 2011. The labor dynamics affects the employment level in industries such as plastics and steel manufacturing. The American automobile industry has been experiencing upward pressure with respect to wages and a downward pressure on benefits and is competing with other strong economies for skilled labors. In the recent global financial turmoil which has also affected US, the automobile sector is unlikely to support comfortable living for the working class affecting the industry’s ability to attract skilled workers, thus having negative impact on the competitive advantage (Basu, â€Å"What Factors Affect the Labor Sup ply and Demand for the Automobile Industry?†). However in the 20th century, the American automotive industry had maintained prominence in the domestic economy. The American auto industry had sprouted from Henry Ford and currently in its blooming stage. But the issue with workers remained the same (Wall 8). Domestic Demand Condition The home demand condition plays an important role in national competition as it tends to gain competitive advantage only if the demand from the domestic customers forces the industry to carry out innovation, lead the global market and gain profit. The US is in the process of recovery and the automobile sector has been contributing to a large extent. In 2012, the annual sales for automobiles along with light truck amounted to 14.8% higher compared to previous years (Spross, â€Å"The Comeback of the U.S. Auto Industry†). America is a developed country with growing population which means that the industries are developed and has entered the mat ured stage. Retail sales in the US are boosted by demand from automobiles along with gasoline prices restricting the customers to spend on other goods. Some of the major automobile makers reported that the sales of cars increased 19.9%
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Learning Styles Inventory Essay Example for Free
Learning Styles Inventory Essay Taking the Learning Styles Inventory Test was an insightful, informational, and introspective experience as a whole. It measures seven areas of standards or measure that clearly define an individual’s behavioral approach on learning – the visual, social, physical, aural, verbal, solitary, and logical learning styles. Each question within the test inquires about an individual’s leaning or inclination to harboring the outcomes of learning from each means or scenario indicated. The questions provide a learning situation where one will determine how he identifies with it, and one’s identification with each specific scenario determines how one learns through various situations. Putting oneself within each scenario allows one to review or evaluate one’s motivations in learning in order to understand clearly how one’s behavior and learning environment would and should be altered to facilitate greater learning. The result of the Learning Styles Inventory Test clearly indicates my personality or takes on the learning situation. Out of the seven learning styles, the Memletic Learning Styles Graph, as shown below, depicts that I am more inclined to learn effectively when I utilize my physical functions. The rating for each of the learning styles was remote that the bodily-kinesthetic learning style (18 points) stands out among the seven. (â€Å"Learning Styles Inventory – Results Page,†2007) This piece of information I find true as I do tend to want or need to manipulate or experiencing things in order to learn or realize the structures or dimensions of objects, concepts, occurrences, and such. (â€Å"The Physical (Bodily-Kinesthetic) Learning Style,†2007) Therefore, the result from the test did not surprise me at all. Next to the physical learning style, the aural learning style (15 points) follows as the second dominant one that applies to me. This is yet another factual information because I do find myself enjoying the learning experience when I work with music or sounds in the background. (â€Å"The Aural (Auditory-Musical-Rhythmic) Learning Style,†2007) Music, as part of the learning environment, sets the mood or rhythm that motivates me to carry on and finish, not to mention enjoy, what I am doing. On the contrary, the least learning styles that I can identify my learning behaviors with is the verbal learning style (11 points), also including the visual, social, and solitary learning styles (12 points each). This means that I am not motivated enough to learn by reading or writing, looking at or watching visuals, socializing with other people, and even keeping to myself. The results of the test suggest that my strengths lie in my motivations and capabilities to do, or to become more productive by being actively involved during the learning experience. However, it might be difficult to become motivated within the learning environment as learning media such as visuals, written texts, the processes of socialization and independent learning are part of learning strategies or approaches being utilized in most cases. Moreover, the learning environment is balanced, such that it fosters various methods or approaches in learning; and my unbalanced learning styles suggest that I will not be able to keep up with the learning environment. Perhaps the most logical thing to do at this point is to try to even out or balance the learning styles that I should be accustomed to in order to draw out the advantages from it whenever the learning environment or situation calls for it. If it remains to be unbalanced, like my test results indicate, inflexibility will not facilitate learning but hinder the process of acquiring knowledge and skills as learning environments vary every time. Accomplishing this goal means that I would have to expose myself to varying learning situations, and understand the importance of each one in order to balance out my learning inclinations for the seven learning styles indicated. With this in mind, as the realization of the need to balance out these learning styles I have come to realize, I believe that taking the test allows one to understand the importance of being exposed to various learning situations and experiences which fosters creativity, flexibility, and competence in the workplace. References â€Å"Learning Styles Inventory – Results Page. †(2007). Retrieved November 26, 2008, from Advanogy. com. Website: http://www. learning-styles-online. com/inventory/results. asp â€Å"The Aural (Auditory-Musical-Rhythmic) Learning Style. †(2007). Retrieved November 26, 2008, from Advanogy. com. Website: http://www. learning-styles-online. com/style/aural-auditory-musical/ â€Å"The Physical (Bodily-Kinesthetic) Learning Style. †(2007). Retrieved November 26, 2008, from Advanogy. com. Website: http://www. learning-styles-online. com/style/physical-bodily-kinesthetic/
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Victim Within The Criminal Justice System Criminology Essay
Victim Within The Criminal Justice System Criminology Essay An offender is an accused defendant who is convicted of a serious crime and who is set to appear before the criminal court. There are 37.2 offenders in total in Ireland. 38.1 of them are male and 32 of them are female. There are 53.6% of people aged under 18 who commit crimes. 33.5% of offenders get community service and 39.3% are out on a type of probation order. The most impressive statistic was that 63% of offenders did not re-offend within two years. [2] A victim is someone who has been harmed or affected by an offence caused by another person. Victims of violent crime may suffer financial stress as well as suffering from their injuries and emotional trauma. Recovering from violence or abuse can have effect on them for the rest of their lives as they could live in fear and suffer anxiety. Lots of people are shocked after a crime and how they feel emotionally. Theses emotions can have many effects and can leave you feeling unhappy and confused. And this can also affect family and friends around you, your emotions can have an impact on them as they will be concerned for you. Although many people feel that they have to be able to cope with this emotional burden and are expected to live out their daily lives as if nothing has happened, most victims will need counselling to come to terms with what has happened. [3] For this essay we have chosen to talk about the victim as we think the victim suffers the most physically and emotionally. The victim of a crime can need counselling to help them come to terms with their emotions and fears. Discussion There are many different ways a person can be a victim. Someone can be a victim for anything from a minor crime up to a major crime. Examples of where someone can be a victim are from theft, robbery, burglary, assault, dangerous driving, sexual offences, murder and manslaughter and human trafficking. [4] In many cases of crime it is not just the victim that can be affected, their family can also be affected, more so in the major crime cases of dangerous driving, sexual offences, murder and manslaughter. As we previously mentioned, there are many types of victims when it comes to crime, and usually the persons role within, and there perspective of the criminal justice system will change depending of the circumstances of each case. For example somebody pressing charges for something minor such as vandalism is going to expect far less drastic results than say somebody who has been the victim of rape. Also we noted that there was a staggering amount of rape crime actually reported in this country, The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre recorded 11,839 calls to their helplines, with over 9,000 of them being genuine, so when we realised the problem that exists with rape in this country we decided we would use rape cases as the main focal point of our group paper. [5] Rape cases can differ a lot from another type of case .For example while trials in general take place in public in our state, rape cases will be held in camera, so as to protect the victims anonymity. In some serious cases as well such as rape, arrangements may be made so that the accused does not have to appear in court along with the accused, and may instead be allowed to give evidence via a video link from another area of the courts. [6] In rape cases this would be of particular benefit to the victim, who due to the sensitive nature of the crime and the traumatic experience they have already been through may find the prospect of having to come face to face with their attackers in the courtroom too daunting and not be able for it. Report the crime The victim should report the crime to the police as soon as the crime has occurred. When a victim reports a crime quite quickly after the crime has occurred it allows the police to gather any evidence that may fade over time. Prompt reporting will support the victims account of what happened. Many victims of sexual assault are unsure whether they want a case to be prosecuted. Victims who are unsure about prosecution are advised to seek information about guidance to make an informed decision. For example, even if the victim is not ready to prosecute immediately after the crime, prosecutors have at least six years or more to file sexual assault charges. It is important to note that even if a crime is not immediately reported, that prosecution may still be possible. A delay in reporting is typical for safety reasons. [7] The role of a victim is extremely important in the Criminal justice system. They must go through a number of stages in the criminal trial process in order to feel justice was served. The first stage is actually reporting the crime. This can be difficult for many as there are a number of doubts in their minds. Such as trust in the gardai, recount the details etc. It estimated in 2007 that about 30 per cent of burglaries were unreported, as were nearly four in 10 incidents of theft with violence. Offences of a sexual nature and domestic violence are grossly under-recorded [8] This is astonishing and very worrying for our criminal justice system. Preserve of evidence If a crime is reported, the police will gather and keep all of the evidence from the crime, which includes: bloodstained clothing, bedding, weapons and damage to property. The police will also take photographs of injuries, damage to property and also photographs of where the crime occurred. Photographs should also be taken of the victims injuries after the crime to show the stages of healing. Testify If the case proceeds to trial, victims should expect to testify. Adult victims: Testimony is less formal before the grand jury than in a courtroom setting. The grand Jury proceedings are private. Theyre one on one with the prosecutor and the victim. The Prosecutor asks the victim questions in order to get an understanding of the case. This testimony only lasts about an hour. Testifying at trial is more formal. The victim has to wait outside the court room until it is her time to testify. The prosecutor will ask the victim questions first. Then the defence attorney scrutinizes the victim. The judges role is to also make sure that the questions asked by the attorneys are appropriate according to legal rules. There is no set time on the length of a trial testimony. The prosecutor will help the victim on preparing them for the types of questions that may be asked. The victim witness advocate will help the victim on ensuring the feelings that she may evoke on testifying and helps to provide the victim with all the support that she may need in making it a less scary situation. Sometimes criminal prosecutions go in the favour of the victim as the offender may admit to everything. This means that the victim doesnt have to testify in court. Child Victims: Young children are usually asked questions by the Judge. The judge has to be content that the child understands the legal rules of a courtroom and the oath in which it is vital that he/she must tell the truth. The courtroom can be a very scary place for a child this is why the judge ensures that the child can handle testifying. [9] Pressing charges Some victims may personally know the suspect that committed the crime against them. Some may be related such as a mother and son relationship. In this case it is hard for the victims to choice between seeking justice and doing what is best for both the criminal and themselves. Going to court The next stage the victim goes through is the court case. This is undoubtedly the most daunting experience for the victim. Particularly for child abuse cases and rape cases. In the case of Frances Andrade, she subsequently killed herself after giving evidence in court. She said it felt like getting raped all over again. She was sexually abused by her music teacher when she was in school. When it came around to giving evidence she felt that recounting the details in a court atmosphere was worse for her than the rape itself. Andrade killed herself the day after she heard her abuser giving his side of the story. However, some may say that by allowing the victim giving evidence they feel that they are participating in seeking justice for themselves. Conclusion We have discussed in detail the role and perspective of the victim in the criminal justice system in order to seek justice. We as a group unanimously feel that the role of the victim in the criminal justice system is crucial for receiving the justice they deserve. From summary and indictable to serious offences, justice must be served in every case and the role and perspective of the victim is important in delivering justice.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Food Is A Source Of Cultural Identity
Food Is A Source Of Cultural Identity As we go through life, we travel to countries or meet people from dissimilar cultures, and we naturally question our new environments. By questioning these new societies, we are able to understand more of ones personality and identity. Cultural identity is when certain traditions, customs, beliefs and values are shared through traditional cultural practises and become meaningful and important to oneself1. It contributes to how we see ourselves and the groups with which we identify1. Ethnic foods offer a rich set of metaphors through which individuals can express their cultures. Food is one custom that strongly connects people to their traditions, and has been not only important in Jewish culture and history, it has been central to the Ashkenazi Jews ideas about themselves and about others, as well as their social and communal practices2. Ashkenazis or Eastern European Jews are defined as those who, from long before 1500, lived in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, and European Russ ia3. This essay explores how food is source of cultural identity for Ashkenazi Jews living in Australia, concentrating on the connection between food and festivals, ceremonies and the Bible. As well as the contrast of how food is not the most identifiable aspect in some Ashkenazi Jews lives. Festivals and Ceremonies: Formerly, Jews came together around a core of religious and ethnic traditions, such as synagogue affiliation, lighting of Shabbat candles and giving charity to Jewish foundations9. However today, Australias Jewish population has encountered an internal breakdown of both the concept of community and the family unit, which have united the Jewish people for so long. Ashkenazi Jews use food as a way to unify family and friends, and reconnect with traditions and culture4. Ashkenazi cuisine tends to use oil, potatoes, inexpensive cuts of meat and simple seasonings4. The importance of food to Ashkenazi Jews can be learnt from the celebrated festivals and rituals. Foods related to festivals are more based on traditions and symbolism passed down generation-to-generation, rather than the Bible. A very special celebration that occurs on the seventh day of the week is Shabbat. Good and homely food is a crucial part of the mitzvah, or good deed, of oneg Shabbat, meaning enjoying Shabbat. Traditio nally, Ashkenazi Jews start the event with a small serving of a fish dish; gefilte fish, poached jelly fish or pickled fish, served as an appetizer before hot soup. A chicken main dish is then served accompanied by cooked vegetables and a kugel4. Finally, dessert is usually fresh or stewed fruits followed by tea and small cakes4. This strongly contrasts the Sephardic Jews take on Shabbat food. Sephardic Jews reflect the foods more typical of many Mediterranean countries since Sephardic Jews are descendents of settlers from the Near East. Meals include fish with avgolemono sauce, chopped eggplant, roasted lamb, stuffed vegetables, rice and, to finish the meal, a honey-soaked cake or pastry nibbled with strong and sweet Turkish coffee4. The ceremonial bread, Challah, is surrounded by folklore and tradition and laden with symbolism. On festive occasions a blessing or Motzi is said over two loaves of challah, symbolising the manna given to the people of Israel during the Exodus from Isr ael on Fridays5. Two portions of the manna were distributed, so the Israelites did not need to work and prepare food on the Shabbat5. Similarly to Shabbat, foods consumed on Rosh HaShanah are symbolic to certain aspects to the event, and are created by the Ashkenazi cultural traditions. Rosh HaShanah means head of the year; it is the New Years festival of the Jewish calendar and features foods to celebrate the hope of a sweet year. A hearty main meal of fish, appetizers, meats and honeyed vegetable (Tzimmes) is conventional4. The iconic foods that signify and rejoice the Jewish New Years are apples dipped in honey and honey cake for a good and sweet year, and the round challah and the head of a fish which represents the circle of life and marks the cyclical nature of the course of a year4. The representations of Rosh Hashanah and Shabbat foods are significant to a majority of Ashkenazi Jews in Australia, because it enables them to link to their ancient religion physically and spiritually3. However, during the most important and solemn holiday in the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, the Torah (Jewish scriptures) commanded You shall afflict your souls (Leviticus 16:29)6 and For a soul which is not afflicted on that day will be cut off (Leviticus 23:29)6. This has been interpreted, as Jewish people need to fast from sunset to sunset to atone for the sins of the past year4. It is one of the few holidays that is not dependent on food. Thus it is one aspect which food is not a source of cultural identity. It is also an event when many Ashkenazi Jews who do not observe any other Jewish custom will refrain from work, fast and/or attend synagogue services on this day. Instead of using food as a source of cultural identity, it is the sacred religious day. Although, it is customary for Ashkenazi Jews to make a feast for breaking of the fast. Normally consisting of cakes and hot drink to break the fast, then light salads and dairy foods to aid with digestion3. Proving that Ashkenazi J ews return to food in order commemorate important events that are momentous in the Jewish culture. Impact of Ashkenazi foods on the non-Jewish communities: Jewish foods dont only give Ashkenazi Jews themselves cultural identity, but allows non-Jewish people to recognise the Jewish culture. Australia prides itself as being a multi-cultural country. In 2011, the Census revealed that 26% of Australias population was born overseas and an additional one fifth had at least one parent born abroad7. Throughout the 100 years since the first National Census in 1911, a large component of the Australian population have been made up of migrants7. Even though only 0.5% of Australians identify themselves as Jewish7, this hasnt swayed the impact the Jewish culture has on the Australian diet. After World War II, Jews all over the world, especially in Australia identify the bagel with the Old World and with immigrant Jewish culture10. The bagel was brought to Western societies by the Eastern European Jews from the 1890s and have become one of the most iconic foods that gentiles identify with the Jewish culture8. Most of the other foods mentioned so far, are mostly restricted to those of Jewish faith and hardly are consumed by the wider community8. Other Ashkenazi foods readily available in the main cities of Australia, are baked goods like babka and rugelach, fried potato pancakes known as a Latke and the blintz4,10. Jewish Dietary Laws Kashrut: Jewish people are supposed to follow an intricate system of procedures and taboos in relation to food, derived from a set of commandments said to have been given to Moses by G-d6. These commandments prohibit the eating of particular animals, the most recognised pig; they are prescribed definite methods for the slaughter and preparation of animals that are not banned10. The directives have been augmented by a code of practise, known as Kashrut, intended to ensure that they are never defied9. However, the observance of Jewish Dietary rules have declined sharply, with many Jews observing them only partly and many others rejecting them completely9. This situation has not, however, made these dietary rules irrelevant; on the contrary, it has made them one of the most important ways through which ideas about contemporary Jewish identity and membership can be expressed. Ashkenazi Jews needed to adapt some of the Dietary Laws due to the food accessibility in some areas3. Several changes that have been made are the mixing of fish and milk products, more leniency with the Kashrut for meat than Sephardic Jews and refraining from eating legumes, grain, millet and rice during the Passover festival10. In Australia, Ashkenazi Jews still continue to observe these altered rules because of the strong traditional aspects connected to them, which individualises them as a certain type of Jew. Today, Jews from all different areas and streams, can deem the Kosher Laws to be an ancient form of food regulations that doesnt need to be performed in todays society, because of the new modern methods of cleaning and preparation of foods. Other reasons are some are not informed well of the laws, and/or consider it an added expenditure and inconvenience. More recently, animal rights groups and the Australian media have exclaimed their outrage of the ill-treatment of animals during the process of Koshering meat by companies who do not provide prior stunning11,12. This has strongly influenced Jews to disassociate themselves from obeying Kashrut, and in a few circumstances reject their Jewish identity12. This is because they think the Jewish culture doesnt respect animals12. However, this contradicts what the Jews and the Torah believe. Ritual slaughter, known as shechita, is a fast, deep cut across the throat with a perfectly sharp blade with no hesitations or unevenness12,13. This me thod is regarded as painless by Rabbis because Jews believe that God, would only provide for a merciful and compassionate method of send off for his creatures6,12. The Torah is the first methodical legislation, which prohibits cruelty to animals and authorises that they be treated with consideration and value. Judaism exigencies the humane treatment of animals6,12. As well shechita has been scientifically shown to be painless. Dr. Stuart Rosen MA, MD, FRCP discussed the behavioural responses of animals to shechita and the neurophysiologic studies relevant to the assessment of pain, and concluded, shechita is a painless and humane method of animal slaughter13. Jews should be proud to observe Kashrut and to identify themselves as Jewish because of the humane and clean ways of preparing food. Conclusion: Cultural identity should be meaningful and personal to oneself, as well as an open exploration that should be shared. In multi-cultural societies, like Australia, recognising certain cultures can be done by looking at their foods. Ashkenazi Jews are now identifiable by non-Jewish societies, because they relate the Ashkenazi community with iconic foods, such as bagels. For Ashkenazi Jews, the saying You eat what you are4 applies perfectly. They have special foods and diets for their sacred occasions, and ritual eating at festivals and ceremonies allow Ashkenazi Jews to reflect on and identify with their culture and religion through the symbolic representations of the traditional foods. However, you are what you dont eat as well. The solemn festival of Yom Kippur , is one of the most important Jewish festivals and requires Jews to fast from sunset to sunset4. Also the laws of Kashrut have strict guidelines of forbidden foods, and precise manners of food preparation that need to be obey ed9. Kosher eating is a essential part of food being a source of cultural identity, even though not every Jew observes all the laws.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Benefits of Superchargers and Turbochargers: Types of Forced Induct
The Advantages of Superchargers and Turbochargers: Types of Forced Induction The light turns red and you slowly come to a stop driving your 1992 GMC Syclone equipped with a 280 horsepower 4.3 liter V-6 teamed up with a four speed automatic transmission. The GMC Syclone is basically a sporty run-off of GMC's Sonoma. In the next lane, a brand spanking new Ford Mustang equipped with a 320 horsepower 4.6 liter V-8 pulls up. You seem to be feeling pretty spunky today, so you rev your engine signaling to the driver of the Mustang that you want to race. The other driver looks over, gives a glance at your GMC Syclone and begins to laugh. However, he goes ahead and revs his engine giving the go-ahead for a race. The light turns green and your foot sinks on the accelerator pedal. You hear the squeal of tires, but you know it's not from your truck because the Syclone is all wheel drive. The Mustang's 17 inch tires are spinning on dry pavement and struggling to regain their grip. After about half a second has gone by, your neck and neck with the Mustang. By this time the turbocharger in your truck has "spooled up" and is now compressing air into the intake manifold. Suddenly, your pushed back into your seat as the turbo goes to work. All the motion of the vehicle is forward and there is no "peeling out" from your truck because all of the power is being transmitted to all four of your 16 inch wheels. After two seconds, your ahead of the Mustang and just keep widening the gap on him. After 4.9 seconds your traveling at 60 mph. The Mustang will soon reach your velocity after another half a second. At this velocity you know that you're the clear victor, so you let off of the accelerator pedal and let the Mustang catch up. When the Must... .... 1996: 3. Gromer, Cliff, and Scott, Randy. "Hot n' Cool." Popular Mechanics. Dec. 1998: 34. "The History of Turbochargers." About. 29 Mar. 2002. 28 Mar. 2002 ? <>. Kreisler, Ken. "Whirling Dervish." About. 29 Mar. 2002. 28 Mar. 2002 ? < ers>. Mitchell International, Inc. Mitchell Automechanics 2nd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991: 208-211. Peters, Eric. "Turbos and Superchargers." Consumers' Research Magazine. Sept. 1996: 33. Tobaldt, William K., and Larry Johnson, eds. Motor Service's. Illinois: The Goodheart- Willcox Co., Inc., 1968: 259-263. "Turbocharger Overview." 12 Apr. 2002. <>
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Sammy in Updikes A&P Essay -- John Updike
The main character in John Updike's short story â€Å"A&P†is Sammy. The story's first-person context gives the reader a unique insight toward the main character's own feelings and choices, as well as the reasons for the choices. The reader is allowed to closely observe Sammy's observations and first impressions of the three girls who come to the grocery store on a summer afternoon in the early 1960s. In order to understand this short story, one must first recognize the social climate of the era, the age of the main character, and the temptation this individual faces. Sammy is a product of his generation. In the 1960s the social climate was changing. The new ideas of the youth were taking over the traditions of their parents. Music and the drug culture began to change the perspective as more people were listening to rock and roll music and experimenting with mind-altering drugs in an effort to free themselves from the strict societal demands of the 1950s. Sammy demonstrates this as he describes his work uniform - the bow tie and apron. This can also be observed when Sammy's manager, Le... Sammy in Updike's A&P Essay -- John Updike The main character in John Updike's short story â€Å"A&P†is Sammy. The story's first-person context gives the reader a unique insight toward the main character's own feelings and choices, as well as the reasons for the choices. The reader is allowed to closely observe Sammy's observations and first impressions of the three girls who come to the grocery store on a summer afternoon in the early 1960s. In order to understand this short story, one must first recognize the social climate of the era, the age of the main character, and the temptation this individual faces. Sammy is a product of his generation. In the 1960s the social climate was changing. The new ideas of the youth were taking over the traditions of their parents. Music and the drug culture began to change the perspective as more people were listening to rock and roll music and experimenting with mind-altering drugs in an effort to free themselves from the strict societal demands of the 1950s. Sammy demonstrates this as he describes his work uniform - the bow tie and apron. This can also be observed when Sammy's manager, Le...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Brief Overview of World War I
The World War 1 conflict began in 1914 to 1918. It started as a nearby European war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia on July 28th 1914. It transformed into a general European struggle by declaration of the following nations known as the ‘Allies' and the ‘Associated Powers'; Great britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United states. These nations defied the coalition(central powers). The assassination at Sarajevo in bosnia immediately caused the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia on June 28th 1914. The Triple Entente was involved in the first world war along with the Triple Alliance. The Triple alliance was formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in 1882. These Countries agreed to assist each other if attacked by either France or Russia. In WW1, Germany attacked France which caused the Triple alliance to support them in there war. Russia, who feared the growth in the German army, joined up with Britain and France which eventually formed the Triple Entente. The Russian Government was also very cautious and concerned about the possibility of Austria-Hungary increasing the size of their army's population. One of the causes of World War was that they made all the aforementioned items join in the war (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) and then was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, him and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist while they were in Sarajevo, Bosnia which was part of Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary was in protest of having control of this region. Serbia wanted Herzegovina and Bosnia to belong to them. This assassination led to Serbia being declared of war by Austria-Hungary. When Russia began to mobilize because of its alliance with Serbia, Germany quickly declared war on Russia. This expanded the war including all those involved in the mutual defense alliances. Another cause was Nationalism. Bosnia and Herzegovina no longer wanted to be part of Austria-Hungary but instead be part of Serbia because most of the origin of the war was based on the desire of the Slavic peoples. nationalism led directly to the War in this way. The nationalism of countries throughout Europe contributed to the extension of the war and the beginning- in a general way. Each country tried to prove their dominance and power through this. The Battle of Gallipoli was one of the major events that occurred in WW1. This battle began in 1915. By the spring, it sunk stalemate as there was combat on the Western Front. Trenches that stretched from the English channel to the swiss border, there were Enemy troops basically staring at each other. Neither opponent could outflank its enemy resulting in costly direct attacks on well-fortified defenses. Movement of each sides were predicted at the beginning of the conflict had devolved into deadly war(or stagnation). The Battle of Verdun is another major event caused it WW1. it is considered the greatest and lengthiest battle in world history. There has never been a more lengthy battle such as this one, involving so many men, situated on such a tiny piece of land. The battle of Verdun lasted from 21 February 1916 until 19 December 1916 caused over an estimated 700,000 casualties (dead, wounded and missing). The battlefield wasn't even ten square kilometres. There can be no justification for these losses from a strategic point of view. The battle transformed into a matter of prestige of two nations literally for the sake of fighting! Economic change: Technology and weapons experienced a great boost after the war, as the production of automobiles, airplanes, radios, guns, weapons of mass destruction(WMA), and even certain chemicals, boosted wildly. The advantages of mass production and the use of machinery to perform former human labor tasks and encounters, proved to stimulate the economy, the United States' in for example. Much of Europe suffered eye opening losses of property and landscape as well as finances. Europe had the respect of the world as a very reliable money-lender by 1914. Yet just four years later, Europe was in danger for their greatly in debt to her allies for their financial contributions towards the war effort, owing them round about $10 billion. For them to pay back their allies, Many of the European governments began to rapidly print a lot of money, only to subject their countries to a period of inflation. The middle class members who had been living rather comfortably on investments started to experience a bumpy financial period. Germany was hit the hardest in struggling terms with the war reparations, and the German mark drastically lowered the inflation value. In 1923,No more than three months into that year, the German mark boosted from 4. 6 million marks to the dollar to 4. 2 trillion marks to the German dollar. It occurred that the inflation knew it had no bounds.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Marketing Quiz
University of the Southern Caribbean School of Business Principles of Marketing Take Home Assignment on Chapter 13-16 Name: __________________________________ ID_______________________DATE__________ Refer to the scenario below to answer the following questions. Section 1. In the 1970s, Shipshewana was only a small town with a hardware store, a grain mill, a shoe store, a small restaurant, and a grocery store. Over the next two decades, the small town transformed into an international tourist attraction, attracting thousands of tourists who are intrigued with the lifestyle of Shipshewana's largest population the Amish.Ben and Mary Miller, having grown up within the Amish faith, decided to capitalize on their town's popularity and their woodworking skills. Their shop, Indiana Wood, began with a small display of handmade hickory rocking chairs, Ben Miller's specialty. But within a few months, the display at Indiana Wood included picnic tables, flower boxes, and small handmade novelty it ems. No other shop offers the same. Mary Miller decorated the shop's display room with authentic Amish decor and eventually hired three Amish friends to sew and embroider napkins and other textiles per customer request.In addition, two women from the Amish community sought permission from the Millers to display home-baked pastries and jellies on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the town's busiest tourist days, when Shipshewana attracts swarms of visitors to its flea market on the south edge of town. â€Å"Shipshewana is full of specialty shops,†Mary Miller stated. â€Å"People don't come here to buy things made in China or Taiwan. They want real, Amish-made goods. †1. Indiana Wood is best classified as a(n) ________ retailer. A) full-service B) self-service C) limited-service D) discount E) off-price 2.Which of the following is most critical to Indiana Wood's success? A) place B) price C) differentiation D) store atmosphere E) services mix 3. The Amish decor and shop workers give customers an authentic impression of the pride and skill built into the shop's products. These aspects also contribute to the store's ________. A) product assortment B) services mix C) atmosphere D) segmentations E) targeting 4. Which of the following would be the most logical way for Indiana Wood to expand? A) establishing an online presence B) pursuing retail convergence C) implementing RFID inventory trackingD) establishing a community-gathering environment in the store E) joining a producers' cooperative Refer to the scenario below to answer the following questions. John Mayes opened Sparkle Janitorial in 1999. John began by acquiring two contracts for office cleaning services from two local manufacturing facilities. For two years, John and his wife, Barb, performed the cleaning services alone. After acquiring three additional cleaning contracts in 2001, John hired two employees. â€Å"Up to that point, we had room to grow but we really had no advertising plan,†Joh n stated. We were relying mostly on word-of-mouth. †By 2003, Barb hired another two full-time employees to begin Sparkle's new endeavor: carpet cleaning in homes and offices. â€Å"Competition was getting tough for both of our services at that point,†Barb added. â€Å"We ran a local radio spot three times each week. Then we had an advertiser print coupons on placemats. That gave us a little more exposure. †John and Barb Mayes admit that they never realized the value of a sound promotional plan before now. â€Å"We wish we would have put together something catchy with a jingle way before now,†they said. 5.Which of the following would be the LEAST effective way for John and Barb to reach new potential customers? A) word-of-mouth influence B) buzz marketing C) public relations D) network television advertising E) direct marketing 6. In a recent radio spot, John and Barb gave a quick explanation of Sparkle's cleaning process and a description of the value consumers receive for their money. This is an example of a(n) ________. A) emotional appeal B) standard appeal C) rational appeal D) moral appeal E) social appeal Most of the clientele at Second Avenue have learned about the store through word-of-mouth communication.This small retailer of quality second-hand children's clothing thrives on the sale of a vast inventory of children's clothing placed there on consignment. â€Å"Because small children grow so quickly,†Second Avenue's owner commented, â€Å"they often outgrow many of their clothes before they've hardly been worn! †Second Avenue provides a way for people to sell their children's clothing, earn a few dollars, and buy the next larger size. â€Å"We're extremely picky about the condition of the clothing we stock,†the owner stated, â€Å"but we sell most items at a 60 percent discount. 7. Which of the following media options would MOST benefit Second Avenue's promotional efforts given the store's limit ed budget? A) periodic advertising in a local newspaper B) daily advertisements on a local radio station C) weekly commercials during the local evening news D) a billboard placed on the interstate E) a link on the city's Chamber of Commerce Web site 8. Second Avenue wants to create a postcard to be sent to local families with young children. The postcard will include information about the store's typical inventory, store hours, and directions.Which of the following format elements can make the biggest difference in the success or failure of the direct mailing? A) copy B) headline C) illustration D) font E) color 9. The owner of Second Avenue wants to establish a community clothing drive to collect clothes for a local children's shelter. The owner will set up collection barrels outside Second Avenue. Which of the following public relations tools is the owner using? A) press relations B) product publicity C) lobbying D) development E) public affairs 10. At Finley's Fine Goods, members of the sales force and marketing epartment tend to have disagreements when things go wrong with a customer. The marketers blame the salespeople for poorly executing their strategies, while the salespeople blame the marketers for being out of touch with the customer. Which of the following steps should upper-level management at Finley's Fine Goods take to help bring the sales and marketing functions closer together? A) establish a customer sales force structure B) establish a complex sales force structure C) appoint a new sales force manager D) adopt a sales force automation system E) appoint a chief revenue officer 11. Ultra-Tech, Inc. as decided to switch to a customer sales force structure. Which of the following advantages is the company now LEAST likely to enjoy? A) The company can become more customer-focused. B) The company can better serve different industries. C) The company can build closer relationships with important customers. D) The company can better serve current cus tomers and find new customers. E) The company can expect salespeople to develop in-depth knowledge of numerous and complex product lines. 12. Johnson Business Solutions, Inc. , maintains one sales force for its copy machines and a separate sales force for its computer systems.Johnson Business Solutions utilizes a ________ structure. A) product sales force B) customer sales force C) territorial sales force D) a combination of B and C E) complex sales force 13. Morrill Motors splits the United States into 10 sales regions. Within each of those regions, the company maintains two sales teams? one for existing customers and one for prospects. What type of sales force structure does Morrill Motors use? A) territorial B) product C) customer D) complex E) workload 14. An IBM sales representative is giving a product demonstration to a Best Buy representative.Assisting with the demonstration are an engineer, a financial analyst, and an information systems specialist. If IBM wins the Best Buy account, then all four IBM representatives will service the Best Buy account. This is an example of ________. A) team selling B) territorial selling C) inside selling D) prospecting E) sales promoting 15. Sales have been slow recently at B & B Materials, so management has organized a training program to improve the performance of its sales force. Which of the following would most likely lead to improved sales for B & B Materials?A) tests to measure the analytic and organizational skills of the sales force B) information about the marketing strategies used by competitors C) tests to identify the personality traits of sales force members D) a time-and-duty analysis for each salesperson E) instructions on completing expense reports 16. The CEO of Comfy Carpet, Rick Hadley, was skeptical about Web-based training until his sales manager explained that online training is ________. A) time consuming and difficult to use B) used by all small companies C) dynamic and interactive D) cost comp etitive and efficientE) useful to customers 17. At Deck Decor, a manufacturer of outdoor furniture and accessories, the marketing and sales force objectives are to grow relationships with existing customers and to acquire new business. Which of the following compensation plans should management establish to encourage the sales force to pursue both of these objectives? A) straight salary B) straight commission C) salary plus bonus for new accounts D) commission plus bonus for new accounts E) salary plus commission plus bonus for new accounts 18. Mary Conti is sales manager for National Computer Training.She wants to evaluate the performance of her sales force that is responsible for the New England territory. Mary will most likely review all of the following in her evaluation EXCEPT ________. A) call plans B) sales reports C) call reports D) expense reports E) territorial sales and profit reports 19. The sales force of Conway Pools has qualified a number of leads. Which of the follow ing will most likely occur next? A) The outside sales force will call on all prospects. B) The outside sales force will close the deal with one of the prospects. C) The outside sales force will learn as much as possible about the prospects.D) The inside sales force will attend meetings with qualified prospects. E) The inside sales force will put together a presentation for the prospects. Section 2 1. The wheel-of-retailing concept deals mainly with wholesalers rolling out reduced service levels. 2. The life cycle of new retail forms is getting longer. 3. Unlike mass marketers, niche marketers expect to see continued growth in their online sales. 4. Retail convergence means greater competition for retailers and greater difficulty in differentiating offerings. 5. The number of retailers creating communities for their customers is declining. 6.Like retailers, a wholesaler must decide on segmentation and targeting, differentiation and positioning, and the marketing mix. 7. In an automat ed warehouse, orders are fed directly from the retailer's information system to the wholesaler's, and the items are picked up by mechanical devices and taken to a shipping platform 8. The distinction between large retailers and large wholesalers is becoming blurred. 9. Mass marketers can expect consumers to distinguish between commercial message sources to maintain a clear image of a company and its brands. 10. The integrated marketing concept ties together all of the company's messages and images. 1. Integrated marketing communications allows brand messages to be developed by different departments within an organization. 12. A marketing communications director has overall responsibility for the company's communications efforts. 13. The communications process should start with mass media advertising to reach many consumers. 14. The four major communication functions are encoding, decoding, response, and noise. 15. Encoding is the process by which the receiver assigns meaning to symb ols. 16. Decoding is the process of putting thought into symbolic form. 17. Awareness, knowledge, and preparation are buyer-readiness stages. 18.Teaser†advertising is most closely associated with the buyer-readiness stage of liking a product. 19. There are three types of appeal from which marketers may choose as they design their message content. These types are rational, emotional, and moral appeals. 20. The â€Å"Stop. Think. Tylenol. †ad is an example of a moral appeal. 21. Although television advertising is expensive for corporations, the cost per exposure is relatively low. 22. Direct mail is one of the least expensive media on a per exposure basis. 23. The communication effects of advertisements and ad campaigns are more difficult to measure than the sales and profit effects. 4. In small and large companies, advertising is typically handled by an individual or team in the sales department. 25. Today's advertising agencies are staffed with specialists who can oft en perform advertising tasks better than a producer or retailer's own employees can. 26. Recently, the increased use of online social networks and video sharing has reduced the need for advertising standardization for global brands. 27. Since China has lifted many of its international trade restrictions, corporations such as McDonalds and Coca- Cola now have only limited censorship rules governing their TV and radio advertising. 8. In an attempt to change the perception that milk was unhealthy, the National Fluid Milk Processors Education Program established an advertising campaign featuring celebrities with milk mustaches and the tag line â€Å"Got Milk? †29. A company typically spends comparable budgets on public relations and advertising. 30. A company's Web site can be an important public relations vehicle. 31. What types of products may be sold through category killers? 32. What types of products do specialty stores carry? Give an example of a specialty store. 33. 34.De scribe the differences between chain stores and franchises. 35. Describe public relations and three of its main functions. 36. Identify four of the major media types and identify some of the strengths and weaknesses of each type. 37. Why do many companies invest in ongoing training for their salespeople? 38. Compare the four types of compensation plans available to salespeople. 39. Name and define the four major communication functions. 40. Explain how advertising may change as a product moves from the introductory stage to the growth stage of the product life cycle.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Math Curriculum Reform Issue
Among the subjects learnt by students, Mathematics is among the subjects that are unpopular among the students. They perceive it a very hard subject especially to girls who think the subject should be reserved for boys. However, mathematics learning will be increased by the proposed National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in 1989. The curriculum proposed is very comprehensive and is likely to improve mathematics performance that has deteriorated for sometime now. One of the most important aspects that has contributed to student performance as a result of proposed National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in 1989 was due to emphasis the curriculum has put on geometry and spatial. Learning of Geometry has developed student’s understanding and appreciation as far as world’s geometric concepts are concerned. As far as children are concerned, they develop and enhance their ability to learn measurement ideas and learn number. These concepts also help students to be able to understand advanced mathematics that are learnt at higher levels. [1] Another most important concept that has improved student performance in Mathematics is because Geometry is introduced from Pre K to 12. It is very important for people to support the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics that was introduced in 1989 since it enhanced students’ performance in the subject. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum has promoted egalitarianism among the students as this was the main aim and objective of its development. The proposed Mathematics by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is due to the fact that the ability of the student to be able to solve problems after studying the Mathematics. This is because, in the current world for one to survive comfortably, one has to go with the technology which is comes hand in hand with knowledge of Mathematics. The curriculum proposed is likely to promote student’s learning skill since they removed basic skills that were unnecessary and instead they focused on most important issues since they knew calculator and computers would eliminate calculation which is tedious. Another issue that can make us to support the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum is that previously, the curriculum had not been focused on all students as it had only focused on analytical, deductive and linear analytical that only met White (Anglo) learning style. For this case, the main aim and objective of the proposed National Council of Teachers of Mathematics was to develop a comprehensive curriculum that would cater for the needs of all students. [2] Currently, student performance in Mathematics has improved and the subject is no longer perceived as a hard subject like it used to be previously. The subject is now popular even to girls and it is should be encouraged since knowledge in Mathematics enhances understanding of other subjects. References National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989): Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991): Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks – In Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (p. 25). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.   [1] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989): Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM. [2] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991): Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks in Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (p. 25). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  Â
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Lifestyle and Sustainability Essay
Lifestyle and Sustainability are two different concepts combined together to describe how people should live nowadays. With the matters like the advancement of modern technology, environmental degradation, and pollution, we now consider the best ways to live our lives without jeopardizing our environment and the future generations. Now, we’re concerned not only about living in comfort and ease, but also about the sustainability of the world we live in, of our environment and our resources. Lifestyle is defined as a way of life, the manner by which a person lives. It involves various behaviors and practices regarding one’s social relations, consumption, entertainment, and fashion. These behaviors and practices are composed of various habits, conventional modes of action, and reasoned actions. Simply put, lifestyle is one’s style of living: it is very personal and depends on the person who lives it. In relation to lifestyle, we come across the concept of sustainability, which literally means to sustain or the ability to maintain certain processes or state. Nowadays, sustainability is often connected to how we human beings live. Concerns about the environment, pollution, and shortage of resources have driven us to apply sustainability in every aspect of our lives (Sustainability Reporting Program, 2004). We think of sustainable ways to build our homes, use our natural resources, dress up, and grow our food. Somehow, we have connected sustainability with how we live, and it is now considered as a lifestyle. One important aspect of a sustainable lifestyle is food consumption, and in relation to that, we come across the concern of sustainable means of growing our foods. An important issue is brought up when we talk about sustainable means of growing food, and that is the use of pesticides. We are all familiar about pesticides, because it is the conventional means of eradicating the pests in our homes, properties, plants and crops. However, the use of certain pesticides is deemed as un-sustainable because of the health risks they carry with them (EurActiv, 2008). It can also affect other organisms in the environment aside from the pests that they kill. To better understand pesticides, we need to know more about them, including the history, benefits, types, and other aspects as well. Pesticides have been used several thousand years ago, being utilized by humans to protect their crops and plants from pests (Medline Plus, 2009). One of the first known pesticides used was sulfur dusting in Sumeria. In later centuries, mad used toxic chemicals like arsenic, mercury and lead to kill pests. Natural pesticides were also used, like nicotine sulfate extracts from tobacco leaves, pyrethrum from chrysanthemums, and rotenone from the roots of tropical vegetables. These pesticides benefited man in several ways. The first, and possibly the most common reason for pesticide use are for the protection of crops. Pesticides contain potent chemical ingredients which kill or deter insects and other pests that consume and destroy man’s crops. Another application of pesticides is disease control, regulating or controlling the organisms which are considered harmful to health. A good example is the use of pesticides to kill mosquitoes which are known carriers of deadly diseases like dengue fever, west Nile virus, and malaria. Insecticides are also used in killing parasites like fleas and ticks in bigger animals like horses and cattle. It is also used to kill termites that can cause structural damage to our homes and dwellings. Overall, pesticides are used in variety of ways, all for the benefit of humans. We can classify pesticides into two major types, chemical or synthetically prepared pesticide, and biological or biochemical pesticide. We are more familiar with chemical pesticides because they’re the conventional pesticides. These are made from various chemical components, like the ones mentioned earlier. This type of pesticide is easier to produce because of the abundance of their chemical components, and is more potent and is more effective when it comes to killing the pests. The downside of this type however, is that it has harmful implications to the environment and to human health. The other type of pesticide is the biological or biochemical pesticide. This type is produced from plant extracts which can deter or kill insects. The biological pesticides use the natural enemies of certain plant pests. Other insects and spiders are used because they prey on these pests, regulating their population naturally. References: EurActiv. (2008). Pesticides: Tough negotiations ahead as MEPs back bans Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http://www. euractiv. com/en/sustainability/pesticides-tough-negotiations-ahead-meps-back-bans/article-176936 Medline Plus. (2009). Pesticides Retrieved April 4, 2009, from http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/pesticides. html Sustainability Reporting Program. (2004). Pollutants, Sustainability, Health, and Environment. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http://www. sustreport. org/issues/health_env_pollut. html
Friday, September 13, 2019
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and Keurig Coffee Case Study - 2
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and Keurig Coffee - Case Study Example Howard Schultz is the President, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairmen of Starbucks Corporation, whereas Jeff Hansberry is the President of Starbucks Global Consumer Products Group. The current CEO of GMCR is Larry Blanford. The net sales of GMCR have been depicted as 3,859,198 US Dollars in 2012, whereas profit of the company was 1,269,399 US Dollars in the year 2012. In accordance with GMCR, in 1983, it had kept waste reduction along with responsible energy as top priority (GMCR, 2013). In the year 1989, GMCR engaged in the development of earth-friendly coffee fitters. In the year 2010, GMCR and Starbucks build up a strategic relationship for marketing and selling of K-cup portion cup. The company has engaged in K-cup portion cup business in the GMCR’s Keurig single-cup brewing system (Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 2012). Dunkin’s K-cup portion pack can be regarded as a key strength of GMCR. Dunkin’ Donuts is primarily famous for providing quality coffee. Alliance between these two companies has strengthened the position of GMCR by increasing the customers’ preference for Keurig brewer. Another vital strength of the company is Tully’s acquisition in the year 2009 that provided it leadership dominancy in specialty coffee. One of the key weaknesses is recognized to be GMCR’s dependence upon a single manufacturer i.e. China. Moreover, the company also greatly depends upon few retailers for revenue. It’s entry within the functional drink market in the United States (US) can be considered as its major opportunity. GMCR’s product Keurig is another pertinent opportunity for its sustainability in the competitive market. Furthermore, GMCR’s ‘Hotel in-room’ brewer can also be determined as an opportunity for the company. Increase in demand fo r Arabica-coffee, which is of good quality might stand as a threat for the company (Jang et al., 2013). GMCR has faced challenges
Thursday, September 12, 2019
History of Strategy Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
History of Strategy - Literature review Example This book, even today, continues to be the strategy bible for some of the best corporate leaders, football coaches, cricket mentors etc. Contributions to strategy were from different domains – military, political, academic and practitioners as well. The word strategy is derived from â€Å"strategos†– a combination of the Latin words â€Å"stratos†meaning an Army and â€Å"agein†which meant to lead. â€Å"Strategos†was used to refer to an Army General in Athens. In 1505 AD, Nicolo Machiavelli, a politician authored a book titled â€Å"The Prince†. This book consisting of 26 chapters dealt with principles of the governance of a kingdom or a State. His strategy of taking control of country by either treating the powerful citizens very well or crushing them completely, gave rise to the Machiavillean philosophy in politics and governance. The academic origins of Strategy can be traced back to the 1960s when Drucker, Ansoff and Chandler studied the prosperity of large successful American corporations before and after the II World War and created a platform for the "Classical School of Business Strategy". Though it had its roots in the Military Strategy, this school has never been replaced by a better total view about strategy. They propounded that Direction setting or â€Å"Strategy formulation†as an important responsibility of top managers. Business practitioners such as Sloan, the President of General Motors from 1923 to 1946, designed the concept of a â€Å"Divisionalised Corporation†. Jones, the Chairman of ICI, contributed his thoughts on how to make the Board of Directors in an organisation work better. Grove, the President & CEO of Intel Corporation presented his insights as to how to run an organisation in an environment of very rapid technological advances. In 1965, Moore, the co-founder of Intel, brought out the very popular Moore’s Law. The law stated that the number of transistors / inch would double every 2 years. This law held good for about sometime but was overshadowed by the giant strides made by chip manufacturers in the technology front, in so much so that Moore himself, publicly acknowleged that technology had far outgrown the Moore’s Law. The present law suggests that the data density per chip doubles every 18 months. The evolution of the concept of Strategic Management travels back to the 1950s, when Ford and the Carnegie Corporation, sponsored research into curriculum of business schools. The major recommendation of the study was to expand business education to include a course on Business Policy which helped application of analytical techniques to businesses. By the 1970s, most of the top B-schools in the world had a course on Business Policy and the focus became wider. By the 1980s, research literature on competitive strategy had grown and the course on Business Policy began to look at the large picture of business. Hence, Business Policy was changed to Strategic Management. Johnson and Scholes (2002) defined Strategy as â€Å"direction and scope of an organisation over the long term†. It would be prudent to compare and contrast Strategic management with Operational Management. While both these concepts dealt with management per se, these two approaches are diametrically opposite. While Operational Management was routine in nature, small in scale, specific to an operation, was
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Lean Manufacturing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Lean Manufacturing - Essay Example Corrective action must be taken after survey. The idle time is too high and not permissible in any way. With the supply coming in weekly, the issue to each process should be regulated. Movements both within the section and between sections must be speeded up by use of trolleys, installation of conveyors and use of fork-lifts, wherever suitable. This must be identified and put in place as top priority. At the moment we are paying a lot of wages plus overtime to workers for doing nothing. With such heavy idle time as against so little productive time, we need to cut down one shift altogether and move to a regime of controlled efforts and by using Pull methods of Just in Time system of inventory. ERP software plays a vital role in the success of Lean manufacturing setup. Nothing will be gained by just designing a superb system and by laying down rules and parameters. A well-understood, well-defined and easy to follow implementation plan must be prepared. This is to be done with active assistance from the solution providers. The Implementation Team along with the Company designated resources must first carry out a joint Systems Requirement Study (SRS). This SRS must consider all points raised in the strategy above and identify the areas of data entry points. It is these areas that have to be carefully monitored to see that accurate data is available. With accurate data available, the company can take corrective action based on actual information. This will go a long way in bring down wastages and eliminating downtime and idle time. A productive maintenance plan is to be drawn us to ensure that downtime is brought down to zero level with accurately planned maintenance schedules prepared in advance. Spares are to be procured for such programmes well before time. Having said this, these weak links are to be paid extra attention and care is to be taken to make the workers understand that
Discuss some of the ways differences and inequalities are made on Essay
Discuss some of the ways differences and inequalities are made on streets in the UK - Essay Example Streets, infrastructure and telecommunications services have a role to play in the differences and inequalities people have. Most streets have some common aspects but still there exist unique characteristics which are visible in the society. Things that show some uniqueness in the streets include; dressing style, activities people perform, their material possessions like vehicles, ways they are governed by, the way they interact with other people and how they handle things like conflicts in the society (Amartya & James 1997). In UK, streets give people from a certain neighbourhood a sense of belonging and thus they feel they are part of that society. They play a big role in determining how people relate to one another in the streets and in their neighbourhood and thus bringing about the differences and inequality among people from different streets and neighbourhoods. Differences and inequality in the streets of UK could be as a result of the difference in the economic status of people living in a certain street or estate. Materialism is a key separation point between groups of people living in different suburbs. The wealthier the people are the more they see themselves to be greater than the other. The lower income people are looked down upon by the people who earn high income. Their perspectives on their role in street developments also conflicts and this brings about differentiation and inequality between the two groups of people (Sala 2006). All the people in the society today have a role to play in making it a better place and make it have a sense of community. The people in the streets; shopkeepers, cafà © operators, policemen, traders etc, aim at improving their own standards of living and live in a better neighbourhood. As a result differences and inequalities will always be part of the streets. In UK every street wants to have good infrastructure and
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
International business Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
International business - Personal Statement Example As an undergraduate student I have been able to get the most out of my academic experience through the boundless knowledge that has been offered to me by my professors, something that should be noted, is not available in the simple purchase of a textbook. The academic lessons offered to me have increased my understanding of the business world and molded my marketing perspectives to views that I consider unique and will play a big role in my career in the future. The next step in my path is the subject of International business, and I would like to continue my personal and academic growth with this respected base of education. I believe that I will be able to get the most out of my learning experiences if I am surrounded by not only what I see as familiar, but progressive surroundings as well. I have a great resolve to succeed in life, and I hold firm in my belief that this institution would be the best means of my doing that. I hope that you will humbly consider my application to continue with my education in your prestigious
Monday, September 9, 2019
Cross cultural management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Cross cultural management - Essay Example Every country has a different culture, cultural values, and beliefs. These traits are visible in society and organizations and determine how transactions are carried out. Overcoming these differences in a new business environment is important to the overall success of the business. Cross-cultural management is involved in overcoming these cultural differences. To successfully conquer the Western market, it has numerous principles to follow for success. The article points to the difference in levels of customer service in the two markets. Americans are used to the high quality of customer service thanks to firms like Apple. Asian companies making their entry into the Western markets are not able to match these levels of customer service. Moreover, the article also argues that Western shoppers concerned about the layout of Chinese websites such as Alibaba. Perhaps reflective of the Chinese business streetscape, Alibaba's online platform has a cluttered store fonts and layouts, whereas Western shoppers are more used to minimalist layouts in online platforms. It is, therefore, evident that proper techniques in cross-cultural management will determine Alibaba's success in Western  and other foreign â€â€markets. To illustrate differences between the West and China, I will use Hofstede's six cultural dimensions. Hofstede's adopts a problem-solving approach that is pragmatic in culture management. Hofstede defines culture as a "collective programming of the mind, which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another".
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Role of Elders in the Asian Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Role of Elders in the Asian Culture - Essay Example Families, communities, societies, and nations have been promoted by the elderly people during their lives. More importantly, children are educated, cared, and nurtured by the parents and elders in the Asian culture. Therefore, parents deserve comfort, love, and respect throughout their lives from their youngsters and children. In other words, caring and respecting elders and parents is the moral and ethical obligation of children in the Asian region. In this regard, it is the responsibility of elders to take care of their youngsters, love them, and keep guiding them throughout their lives. On the other hand, American or British culture allows the individuals to start making their own decisions in their adolescent age, which is very contrary with the norms and values of the Asian culture. For instance, teachers are often allowed to be strict with the young students in Asian schools, or elders often treat youngsters in a harsh way, which is very different, as compared with the American culture. (Blackkaby, 1998) In brief, role that is played by old people is affected significantly by the cultural differences, as role and respect changes to a higher extent in different cultures. (Huntington, 2000) In East-Asian culture, a notable tradition is specifically practiced in this region, which is referred as filial piety. China, Japan, and Korea are some of the cultures that have the dominated practice of such practice. Care for the elderly is the most imperative and foremost obligation of this tradition. (Lee, 2004) Moreover, elderly people in these cultures play a guiding role to nurture their youngsters in an emotional, as well as, spiritual manner. In the Asian context, parents and elders must provide shelter, care, and assistance to the youngsters in emotional, as well as, financial manner, which is once again, contrary to the Western culture, which obligates
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